Published Oct 4th, 2012, 10/4/12 12:27 pm
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Welcome Ladies and Gentleblocks to another blog post. In view of the upcoming rule changes on Planet Minecraft, Io ve decided to focus my blogs a little more on the actual Minecraft game or on Planet Minecraft. I will continue to analyse certain aspects of the human mind but in conjunction with the game so dono t worry! (You probably wereno t anywayo ¦)
Today Io m going to be talking about the importance of memories and safeguarding them. Memories are a huge part of every persono s life as they are what keep your past in your mind. The actual memory unit of your brain is quintessential to our life in any case. Without memory, our mind would be a mess.

Obviously this my own assumption, research hasn't confirmed yet how memory works. This is my view on it.
Memory of our mind is very similar to a USB Storage Device or a Hard Drive. It keeps o fileso in our head about things that weo ve experienced, seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelt. Obviously, our brain doesno t have a maximum storage of say 50TB.
It is fairly infinite in storage capacity. The only time when we actually lose memory is due to an illness (Alzheimero s) or an accident. The fact that there are things we cano t actually remember isno t due to a loss of memory; ito s just that our brain has too many things to remember as it is so it tends to lock those older memories away.
There have been many times that I have forgotten a Minecraft recipe for a certain object because I simply dono t use that memory enough and because of that my brain deems that memory useless to that point in time. I play on creative all the time so I dono t need to craft items and that means that my memory of crafting tends to be dismissed.
So there you are, memory in a nutshell is a hard drive in your head that keeps practically everything you do safe. If you dono t use that memory then the brain simply puts it aside to make space for the more required memories (names, places, etco ¦).

As many of you know, I am a massive fan of Minecraft Alpha. It has a perfect balance of what is in the game and what isno t. Yes it has glitch graphics, yes it doesno t have a great lighting engine, yes it doesno t have endermen or beds but at the end of the day I find that a challenge. I have to endure the night and to do occupy myself that means I have to go outside, man up and fight some mobs. I have some vague memories of playing Alpha.
I remember how jumpy I was when in a cave and the pitter patter of feet or the jingling of bones was nearby. No overpowered enchanted armour, no teleporting pearls or cave spiders. Just me, my sword and a ton of mobs that are just waiting there to be slaughtered.
The point of that mini-rant was that I have few memories of me actually playing the game. This is why recently I started a new Lets Play series on my YouTube channel, but on Minecraft Alpha.
YouTube Video
A great thing to do once in a while is to try and experience old memories again. It might be a location you visited as a child or a game you played as a child. I feel so jovial when I play Minecraft Alpha or Serious Sam or Hydro Thunder. Ito s very good to wake those memories up occasionally.

We all capture memories in one way or another. Whether it is through photos, a song you made with friends or a bowl you made in Kindergarten pottery class. My o screenshotso folder for Minecraft is absolutely full of captured moments, from meeting Aurelien_Sama on a server to messing around with Voxel Sniper and making inappropriate shapes on a mountain side.
Photo Collage

Any funny, interesting or quirky moment you experience at any point in time should be captured. Io ve already began compiling a large print of screenshots of some of my most favoured moments in Minecraft (sad I know) and there are hundreds of screenshots. Some even dating back to Alpha itself and its wonderful recollecting those memories.

Memories are very important and must be kept in any way, shape or form you possibly can. Yes there are bad memories but try and focus on the good ones. If you can, try and re-experience some old memories, play Minecraft Alpha or Beta or if youo re even more hardcore, infdev.
Thanks a lot for reading and dono t forget to share some of your own Minecraft Memories in the comments below!

Credit | Aurelien_Sama, Block_Fortress |
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'Nuff said.
So, have another diamond!*
But still, totally agreed.
+ Diamond
+ Favourite
No subscribe, I already did awhile ago. :P