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Metroid Prime Mod

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janmebows's Avatar janmebows
Level 24 : Expert Taco
Between sharkf1n and i, we have plans to make both some texture packs and in the near future a metroid prime themed modpack. This modpack plans to contain new entities which will be constantly updated with more and more starting with metroids, new blocks eg Phason and more!
If anybody has any concerns or wishes to help in the production of the mod or our texture packs please comment on this blog or send us messages to show your interest.

This Mod idea/concept is still in play, although some of you may not think so.
We should have it started by late this year

The Texture pack, which is our lead-up to the mod, is in its mid stages. You can expect the mod to be started by mid-year
For those interested in keeping track of the texture pack, it is at this link: http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/primecraft-metroid-prime-16x-wip-v-01-for-11/

Do not use any concepts or ideas without both of our consents.

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02/04/2012 4:29 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Geek
soul117eater's Avatar
How far have you gotten on this?
03/02/2012 9:17 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
janmebows's Avatar
Mod is coming after texture pack, The texture pack is almost a quarter done :P
most of it has been done in the past few weeks though
09/27/2011 6:53 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Geek
soul117eater's Avatar
You have my consent. I am All for it! :D
09/24/2011 3:51 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
janmebows's Avatar
As of some recent work we have concluded tat it will be multiple metroid prime gsmes, mainly mp1 and mp2 echoes
09/23/2011 6:20 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
janmebows's Avatar
Souleater, perhaps instead of making 2 separate mods would you perhaps like to cooperate with us and make a much greater mod with more talent :P that is, so long as if sharkfin is fine with it

P.S i have access to internet so I can see these things though :)
09/24/2011 6:10 pm
Level 41 : Master Blob
sharkf1n's Avatar
I are be fine with this
09/26/2011 4:48 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
janmebows's Avatar

now all i need is soul117eater's consent
09/22/2011 7:28 am
Level 41 : Master Blob
sharkf1n's Avatar
Note: I will post these screen shots on the Minecraft Forums and link them in a sec.
09/22/2011 7:27 am
Level 41 : Master Blob
sharkf1n's Avatar
Hey guys, thanks for everyone supporting us, so for a big thanks i am posting some screenshots of the sort of Alpha stage of the pack. This basically means we are still texturing some blocks etc. but once we finish we will revise and really touch up/improve the pack. Enjoy!


One of the first mob skins I have done, the ghast. I textured it as [url=images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070915011449/metroid/images/e/ef/Phazmet.jpg]THIS METROID[/url].


And the ghast when it fires: (it may not be all that true to the game currently, but if u have any ideas they are appreciates)


I must admit it look much better when it flashes red :D

OK, now the main terrain.png. Most Stuff I have done is from scratch, and soon I will work on the things that relate to in game. Part of this pack is to just look good as well as have metroid prime refrences. Also I am still working on tree bark. Please note I will be making all wool look like the red except in their respective colours. i know it seems as if I haven't done that much, but there is quite a lot of stuff that janebows has on his broken computer's harddrive, and also I am quite occupied with skin requests, school and the server I am an operator on. If you want me to e-mail you the progress so far then please comment and then pm ur email.


Please note we completed torches without the flame effect but it is on janmebows' hard drive.

We plan on keeping all tools the same except swords, which are too on janmebows' hard drive. We are slowly getting there though! Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE any suggestions are SO helpful :D

and here is some wooden things:

