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MINECRAFT - Journey to the Mighty 1.4

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THEGUY10's Avatar THEGUY10
Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
In this very article you're reading, you will discover the new features of the upcoming, ever so exciting 1.4!!


Potato, Baked Potato and Poisonous Potato:
A very adventurous add to the game, as they could have had a look at more simple crops to grow or eat. Stackable to 64, potatoes can be rarely dropped by zombies or found in jungle biomes alongside villages. I like it though, in fact, maybe I'm just craving for some mash potato right now....8/10

Carrots and Golden Carrots:
These two veggies were added in the game. Carrots?! GOLDEN carrots?! Yes, yes, its true.
The way you grow these carrots is like growing wheat, and can be found in villages, as they naturally grow them in their farms. Carrots replace 1 hunger bar and can also be used for potions......Stay tuned for the potions part coming soon.....Not bad.....7/10


Cobblestone/Mossy Cobble Fences:
A good addition to the game. Great for builders and can easily blend into parts. Easy crafting,
just like making wooden fences with sticks but just with cobble or mossy cobble. Good, simple and smart. 7/10

Corner Stairs:
*YES* Finally, we have something that we can combine with our stairs. Everyone must be glad, because every one of us have had confusion with building giant staircases. No crafting needed, if you are just placing normal stair cases, it will automatically appear. 9/10

Flower Pots:
Ooh....flower pots...ah....Umm. Well, once again good for decoration and *nice-ness*, but I'm not really sure if its a good new item to be added into the game. If your wondering what it does, you right-click a rose, dandelion, fern and others to put it in the flower pot. Its just a flower pot, so yeah ok fair enough. 5/10

Wooden Button and Trap Door Changes:
Now there are wooden buttons, which can be triggered by arrows. This could be useful for adventure maps, like " Shoot that button to reveal your destiny" and then it activates some stuff or something weird like that. Just place a wooden plank in the crafting table and, wazam.....a wooden button. Now about trapdoors, they can be placed on the top half of a block and also the bottom half. Good simple changes. 8/10

Item Frames:
A very cool-looking addition to the game! Basically crafted with paintings but instead of wool use leather. You can actually hang up anything block/item in the game. Hang up your favourite map, your famous sword that killed the ender dragon and so on. I like dis! 8/10


Coloured Armor:
Yes, if you ever thought about clothes in Minecraft, this is the closet you can get! Again, a simple addition but its not bad. Simply get any part of your leather armor and throw it in the crafting table, alongside the coloured dye you want. Simple. But good. 8/10

Wolf (Dog) collars:
You can now have different coloured collars for your dogs!! Finally! You can tell your dog apart by just right-clicking its collar with the dye you want. Very good in my opinion. 8.5/10

Villager dislike/ like you?
Very simple. If you trade with a villager he will like you. If you hit him and so on he will hate you. If you defend them at night they will like you. If you don't help them they will hate you. 8/10


Wither Skeletion:
Found in the nether, the wither skeleton will drop coal and bones. It will rarely drop wither skulls and a stone sword. Not much info, but so far.....ok addition. 6/10

Zombie Villagers:
Zombies who chase and kill villagers have a chance to either get infected or die. It really depends on the difficulty you play on. Zombie villager babies can also appear, and it really is quite amusing. No more trading if they get infected, so *Village Defense* is engaged!! 7/10



Not much info has been passed out yet but, apparently there is a new boss known as the wither. The wither has 3 heads, shoots out cum-wards and is a brutal killer. In a gamer point of view, a new boss is always exciting. However, in the "game" aspect of view, I'm not too sure on this one. Its still developing so you never know, but unless there's a new dimension (highly unlikely), is there really a reason for a new boss? The wither can be spawned by placing soul sand in a T shape, just like iron golems and snow golems. Then, place 3 wither skulls on top and the wither will be created. Ok....curious to see what the wither will end up like...

FOR MORE Info please visit the Minecraft Wiki right ------> here


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09/09/2012 1:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
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09/09/2012 1:09 am
Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
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