Published Dec 20th, 2012, 12/20/12 6:50 pm
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This is a brief guide to MINECRAFT 1.4.6!
The first feature to minecraft 1.4.6 is the fireworks. Jeb has not put in a crafting recipe so everyone is wandering how to use fireworks? Fireworks can not be use in a dispenser. There are 4 fireworks. They are called Big Red, Star, Creepy Sparkler and Old Glory. You can't find them in Creative but you can find them in TooManyItems Mod (read my mods blog).
If you are wandering what all those Enchant Books are, then read this. Enchant Books enchant your swords, picks, axes, shovels and hoes. How to enchant: Get an anvil and put your sword in the first slot and put the Enchant Books in the second slot. That will equal an enchant sword, pick, axe, shovel or a hoe.
A little cool thing that Jeb added was that whenever you changed items in the hotbar, the name of the item comes up on your screen for about 3 seconds. You should figure that out if you have no idea of what I'm trying to say.
Lots of glitches have been fixed. So if your one of those people who have tons of glitches, then some of them will hopefully be fixed.
I have pretty much covered everything but the Christmas surprise!!! I do not actually know what it is myself so I'm going to leave that one to you guys. It sounds fun!!
If you think this tutorial was helpful please comment.
I am trying to atleast 5 diamonds!
Please, please subscribe! I am not very popular and I only have 5 subscribers. Please subscibe
I hope this was helpful!
Notes: not loads has been changed so if you want to keep your texture pack thats fine. Servers are also still up as not much has benn changed.
Thank You - James98761899
The first feature to minecraft 1.4.6 is the fireworks. Jeb has not put in a crafting recipe so everyone is wandering how to use fireworks? Fireworks can not be use in a dispenser. There are 4 fireworks. They are called Big Red, Star, Creepy Sparkler and Old Glory. You can't find them in Creative but you can find them in TooManyItems Mod (read my mods blog).
If you are wandering what all those Enchant Books are, then read this. Enchant Books enchant your swords, picks, axes, shovels and hoes. How to enchant: Get an anvil and put your sword in the first slot and put the Enchant Books in the second slot. That will equal an enchant sword, pick, axe, shovel or a hoe.
A little cool thing that Jeb added was that whenever you changed items in the hotbar, the name of the item comes up on your screen for about 3 seconds. You should figure that out if you have no idea of what I'm trying to say.
Lots of glitches have been fixed. So if your one of those people who have tons of glitches, then some of them will hopefully be fixed.
I have pretty much covered everything but the Christmas surprise!!! I do not actually know what it is myself so I'm going to leave that one to you guys. It sounds fun!!
If you think this tutorial was helpful please comment.
I am trying to atleast 5 diamonds!
Please, please subscribe! I am not very popular and I only have 5 subscribers. Please subscibe
I hope this was helpful!
Notes: not loads has been changed so if you want to keep your texture pack thats fine. Servers are also still up as not much has benn changed.
Thank You - James98761899
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