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Minecraft Theory: How Does the Void ACTUALLY Kill Us?

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Slime Tamer
As we all know perfectly well, falling into the void will result in your taking 4 HP of damage until you actually die. However, have any of you actually given thought concerning WHY and HOW the void kills you? After all, the void is simply a bottomless pit---players don't actually die of fall damage or anything when they fall in, right?

Well, the cause of death might perhaps be due to the lack of air, some might say. Actually, that hypothesis is quite reasonable for players and entities CAN indeed survive in the void without taking damage at altitudes above Y=-64, and only face death once they approach Y=-256, suggesting that the oxygen content in the void gets thinner the lower you get. On the other hand, if the cause of death in the void really IS suffocation, we should be able to hold our breaths for a while before taking damage, whereas in the void damage is dealt instantly once the player surpasses Y=-64.

Another reasonable hypothesis of how the void kills is perhaps that the air below Y=-64 contains harmful or even poisonous substances of some sort. Well, that would make a bit more sense---it would explain why, unlike when submerged in water, players take damage in the void according to their altitudes and not according to the amount of time they spend without sufficient air.

A less reasonable (but still debatable) explanation of how the void incurs damage when the player is falling might be the fact that the further you fall, the higher the speed you go. Once the player fall 64 blocks of height, the speed of his/her falling would have accelerated by quite a bit. The air resistance might actually be the killing factor once the player has fallen up to 256 blocks. Then again, players still perish in the void once they reach Y=-256 whether they're falling or not....

Have a better explanation of how the void incurs damage? Post it in the comments section below! Liked this analysis? Leave a diamond, favorite it and SUBSCRIBE for more!

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07/09/2016 4:19 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Man you got a lot of cool theories.. can't wait to read more.
07/09/2016 7:36 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Slime Tamer
Thanks mate! It means quite a bit to me =D
07/06/2016 7:17 am
Level 40 : Master Nerd
There's already a theory about that, on YouTube, and it states the void is a black hole, which explains a lot. Good theory though.
07/06/2016 10:56 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Slime Tamer
Thanks! Although the void doesn't really have suction, unlike a black hole...
07/06/2016 2:14 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Well, you fall faster in it as you go. The theory also explains a lot about mc, I recomend it.
