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Minecraft Guide: Potion Brewing

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Meepedy's Avatar Meepedy
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
So I've realized lately that alot less people know about potion brewing then I thought. So I thought I'd take the time once again to make a hopefully helpful and informing guide to potions brewing(1.8 potions not added yet). Please let me know what you think by leaving a comment.

Minecraft Brewing
Brewing potions can be very useful when trying to overcome more difficult challenges in minecraft, like the End, the Nether, or even a simple dungeon. 

Types Of Potions:
There are 2 kinds of potions, normal and splash potions. Normal potions are drunk like you would eat food. Splash potions are thrown on the ground. Each potion either has a positive effect or a negative effect. There are also potions with no effect, but they’re stages before either a positive or negative effect potion is made.

Brewing Equipment :

Before you can start brewing you’ll need a few pieces of equipment.
  • Minecraft Guide: Potion Brewing Brewing stand: A brewing stand holds up to 3 bottles and is used to add ingredients to those bottles. Each ingredient takes 20 seconds to be added. Bottles you’ve put in the stand will stay there untill you take them out again, they won’t fall on the ground if you close the menu. The potions you put in there don’t have to be the same, so you can change up to 3 different potions with just 1 ingredient.
           Minecraft Guide: Potion Brewing
  •  Cauldron: A cauldron can be filled using a bucket. A full cauldron will fill up to 3 bottles, which means it’s pretty much completely useless if you’re looking to brew a lot of potions. A much easier way is by simply placing a water block in a hole and using your bottles on that block, it’ll never run out.
  •  Glass bottles: These will be filled with water to start every potion.


Primary ingredients

  •  Nether wart: This ingredient is the only ingredient that leads to potions with a positive effect.Adding this to a water bottle will create a awkward potion, which has no effect yet.
  •  Fermented spider eye: Using this ingredient will immediately give you a potion of weakness. They are also used as a secondary and tertiary (third) ingrefient to add a negative effect tp a potion.

Secondary Ingredients
These ingredients are added after you’ve added the first ingredient (usually nether wart). Adding these ingredients will give you a useable potion, though it could be brewed further to make stronger version of that potion.
  •   Blaze powder: This’ll turn your awkward potion into a potion of strength.
  •  Fermented spider eye: This will create a potion of weakness, which is a bit pointless as you could’ve simply added the fermented spider eye first.
  •  Ghast tear: Ghast tears will turn awkward potions into potions of regeneration.
  •  Glistering melon: Awkward potions will be turned into potions of healing when you add glisterin melons.
  •  Magma cream: Adding magma cream will turn the awkward potions into potions of fire resistance.
  •  Spider eye: Spider eyes will turn awkward potions into potions of poison.
  •  Sugar: An awkward potion will turn into a potion of swiftness when you add sugar.

Tertiary ingredients
These ingredients alter your existing potions.
  •  Fermented spider eye: Adding a fermented spider eye to existing potions will change the potion’s effect. It will usually change to a potion with the opposite effect. A potion of swiftness, for example, will turn into a potion of slowness.
  •  Glowstone dust: Adding glowstone dust will increase the strength of most potions. For example, a potion of strength will turn into a potion of strength II, which allows you to deal even more damage.
  •  Gunpowder: Adding gunpowder will turn the potion into a splash potion. Splash potions have the same effect, but their strength and/or duration has been reduced.
  •  Redstone dust: Redstone dust will increase the duration of most potions.

Note that you can only add either redstone or glowstone. Also note that not all potions can be enhanced by adding redstone or glowstone.

Possible Potions/Recipes (1.8 potions not added yet)

The recipes below only mention the ingredients, I’ve left out the water bottle.

Normal potions with a positive effect
  • Fire resistance (3:00) = nether wart + magmacream
  • Fire resistance (8:00) = nether wart + magmacream + redstone dust
  • Healing (3 hearts) = nether wart + glisterin melon
  • Healing II (6 hearts) = nether wart + glisterin melon + glowstone dust
  • Regeneration potion (0:45) = nether wart + ghast tear
  • Regeneration potion II (0:22) = nether wart + ghast tear + glowtone dust
  • Regeneration potion (2:00) = nether wart + ghast tear + redstone dust
  • Strength potion (3:00) = nether wart + blaze powder
  • Strength potion II (1:30) = nether wart + blaze powder + glowstone dust
  • Strength potion (8:00) = nether wart + blaze powder + redstone dust
  • Swiftness potion (3:00) = nether wart + sugar
  • Swiftness potion II (1:30) = nether wart + sugar + glowstone dust
  • Swiftness potion (8:00) = nether wart + sugar + redstone dust

Normal potions with a negative effect

  • Harming (3 hearts) = nether wart + glistering melon + fermented spider eye
  • Harming (3 hearts) = nether wart + spider eye + fermented spider eye
  • Harming II (6 hearts) = nether wart + glistering melon + fermented spider eye + glowstone dust
  • Harming II (6 hearts) = nether wart + spider eye + fermented spider eye + glowstone dust
  • Poison (0:45) = nether wart + spider eye
  • Poison II (0:22) = nether wart + spider eye + glowstone dust
  • Poison (2:00) = nether wart + spider eye + redstone dust
  • Slowness (1:30) = nether wart + sugar + fermented spider eye
  • Slowness (1:30) = nether wart + magma cream + fermented spider eye
  • Slowness (4:00) = nether wart + sugar + fermented spider eye + redstone dust
  • Slowness (4:00) = nether wart + magma cream + fermented spider eye + redstone dust
  • Weakness (1:30) = fermented spider eye
  • Weakness (4:00) = fermented spider eye + redstone dust

Splash potions with a positive effect
  • Fire resistance (2:15) = nether wart + magmacream + gunpowder
  • Fire resistance (6:00) = nether wart + magmacream + redstone dust + gunpowder
  • Healing = nether wart + glisterin melon + gunpowder
  • Healing II = nether wart + glisterin melon + glowstone dust + gunpowder
  • Regeneration potion (0:33) = nether wart + ghast tear + gunpowder
  • Regeneration potion II (0:16) = nether wart + ghast tear + glowtone dust + gunpowder
  • Regeneration potion (1:30) = nether wart + ghast tear + redstone dust + gunpowder
  • Strength potion (2:15) = nether wart + blaze powder + gunpowder
  • Strength potion II (1:07) = nether wart + blaze powder + glowstonestone dust + gunpowder
  • Strength potion (6:00) = nether wart + blaze powder + redstone dust + gunpowder
  • Swiftness potion (2:15) = nether wart + sugar + gunpowder
  • Swiftness potion II (1:07) = nether wart + sugar + glowstone dust + gunpowder
  • Swiftness potion (6:00) = nether wart + sugar + redstone dust + gunpowder

Splash potions with a negative effect
  • Harming = nether wart + glistering melon + fermented spider eye + gunpowder
  • Harming = nether wart + spider eye + fermented spider eye + gunpowder
  • Harming II = nether wart + glistering melon + fermented spider eye + glowstone dust + gunpowder
  • Harming II = nether wart + spider eye + fermented spider eye + glowstone dust + gunpowder
  • Poison (0:33) = nether wart + spider eye + gunpowder
  • Poison II (0:16) = nether wart + spider eye + glowstone dust + gunpowder
  • Poison (1:30) = nether wart + spider eye + redstone dust + gunpowder
  • Slowness (1:07) = nether wart + sugar + fermented spider eye + gunpowder
  • Slowness (1:07) = nether wart + magma cream + fermented spider eye + gunpowder
  • Slowness (1:30) = nether wart + sugar + fermented spider eye + redstone dust + gunpowder
  • Slowness (1:30) = nether wart + magma cream + fermented spider eye + redstone dust + gunpowder
  • Weakness (1:07) = fermented spider eye + gunpowder
  • Weakness (3:00) = fermented spider eye + redstone dust + gunpowder
Potion Chart for 1.8

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Meepedy 10/06/2014 11:22:17 amOct 6th, 2014

Updated info

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10/30/2014 10:47 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Prince
Lyhnn's Avatar
I finaly understand how to make this horrible potions.

10/06/2014 4:44 pm
Level 94 : Overlord Engineer
TheRedEngineer's Avatar
I already know how to make the different potions but i give you diamond for the hard work you did to make this "piece of art" blog.
I made blogs too and i know that they need very much time to be made.

Good work!
10/06/2014 4:52 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Meepedy's Avatar
Thank you for the diamond! It is greatly appreciated. I have also have a redstone and farming guide that I've posted. I've been meaning to find time to update everything and finish them. Like you said, it can take alot of time.
09/21/2014 9:09 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Tech's Avatar
Epic fail: we both posted a brewing guide within 10 minutes of eachother xD Yours is alot cooler though. I'm pretty dumb so i don't really know how to add pictures and drop-down charts. I guess I just haven't explored it enough.
10/06/2014 4:38 pm
Level 94 : Overlord Engineer
TheRedEngineer's Avatar
Can i give you a link of a guide i made on an other forum? I was explaining how to post images on forum posts and it can be helpful for you.
Here's the link
Start reading from STEP 3
10/07/2014 7:34 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Tech's Avatar
Thanks! I'll definitely look at it soon.
09/21/2014 9:14 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Meepedy's Avatar
lol yea I saw yours right after I had posted mine :P
