Minecraft Blogs / Other

Minecraft Cursor Packs

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Level 37 : Artisan Artist
(Sorry for no picture it wouldent upload so ill put it in here)


Other Cursor Packs

Gold Pickaxe

Bow and Arrow Mouse Pointer

Pig Face Pointer

Diamond Gem Pointer

Diamond Sword Pointer

Creeper Face Pointer (Coming Soon)


I realy had no idea were to put this so I put it in the mod forums. This is a place were you can have minecraft related items as your cursor (mouse pointer) I will be doing more than just pickaxes I plan on making Foods,Mob Face's, and other tools. The first cursor pack will be the diamond pickaxe but as time passes I will be making more.Some of the cursors are animated and those are the Link Select,and Busy . I will be making a vid soon on how to install it but for now you will have to follow a text tut on how to install it. Also I will be taking requests for items that are in the game from users that either send me a messege or comment below.Here is a text tut on how to install all the upcoming cursors

1.Go to were the file was downloaded

2.Right click on the downloaded file

3.Click Extract to Diamond Pickaxe Cursor (You will need either WinRAR or 7zip to do this)

4.Goto your desktop and right click

5.Then click Personalize

6.Click Change Mouse pointers

7.Click the the top mouse pointer then click browse

8.Goto the folder you extracted the cursors to

9.Match each file with the name of the default mouse pointers

10.Then hit ok

11. You now have one of our Cursor Packs.

If you ran into a problem please messege me and I will help
Also im no sure if its just my computer but when you don't turn it off correctly (Hold down the power button)
The mouse pointer resets to normal to fix it just goto Personalize then mouse pointers and click ok and it should
change back to what you had.

1 Update Logs

Arrow Cursor : by Clinthoney 08/17/2012 4:05:52 pmAug 17th, 2012

I have now made a arrow cursor please check the other cursor packs to download it.

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08/20/2012 5:24 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Button Pusher
Moved submission. Reason: Mistake
this post is not a game mod
Submission Rules
08/20/2012 8:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Also can you please show me exactly were it says that because I read the whole thing and it doesnt say that anywere (Not in a mean way. I just dont see were it says I cant post non game mods.
As you can see were they say not to submit Do not Upload:
  • X-Ray Mods
  • SMP cheat mods
  • Mods you did not create
  • Grief Clients
  • Fake Mods
  • Crafting Recipe Mods or "Easy" Mods (diamonds from dirt, instant digging, etc)
  • Mods which involve minimal effort (Changing/adding/deleting small amounts of code)
  • Altered or new Minecraft clients
  • Full minecraft.jar downloads, only upload the changed files
  • Mod Installers for mods you don't have permission to use
08/21/2012 2:31 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Button Pusher
same goes for skins and projects. it doesn't say "only upload skins to the skin section" or "only upload projects to the project section" though generally people understand that. Though a blog can be about anything game or non-game related. also the answer to the second question: those posts may have not been noticed. it is best to flag them so that us moderators will be able to find them. thanks =]
08/21/2012 5:20 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
Ok thanks now I understand why it was moved.
08/20/2012 8:41 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
I am aware of that but ive seen tons of other mods that are not game mods and they are in the mods page and haven't been moved either
08/20/2012 1:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Warrior
Dude this is awesome thanks, sub
08/18/2012 5:58 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Nice Im using it right now! Diamond!
08/18/2012 6:01 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Also subscribed!
08/18/2012 4:01 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Miner
cant download
08/18/2012 4:06 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
If you can't download it try another cursor pack.
