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Interview With Unnumbered Tears

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Hypnos_'s Avatar Hypnos_
Level 27 : Expert Toast
Pale Yellow - Hypnos_

Pale Teal - Unnumbered Tears

1. Why did you decide to join PMC?
Was there someone who inspired you to join or
was it just the skinning section?

I first inspired to join PMC after I watched my sister upload an adventure map to the site. I thought community feedback on projects was a great idea and I wanted to upload my maps as well. Once I signed up though, and started to browse the site, I decided that skinning appealed to me more than map-making had. I still enjoy downloading other people's builds, but as an artist I enjoy the skin section most of all.

2. What are some obstacles of making skins?
Are you too busy?
Are skins too much work or time?

I've never considered skins to be too much work, since I enjoy making them, and the challenges I face encourage me to try harder to overcome them. I do have a very busy lifestyle, and I don't always have the chance to go on the computer. But that aside, I'd say that the two main obstacles I face when making a skin are a., the unavoidable symmetry of the arms and legs, and b., the limited space available on the skin template. Often it can be hard to make a detailed or even recognizable representation of something on an 8x8 head, and facial expressions are limited. Of course, the hat layer can be used to a certain extent to help with the shapes and expressions on the face.

3. What bothers you the most in Minecraft and PMC?
How do you feel when you GAIN a subscriber?
How do you feel when you LOSE a subscriber?

What bothers me the most in both Minecraft and PMC would be when I meet someone with an interesting or unique personality, and I want to be friends, but then they disappear, and I never see them again. It is especially disappointing because there is no way I can ever communicate or know how the person's life is.
When I see I have gained subscribers, I am usually excited that someone appreciates my submissions enough to want to see more of them. Usually I check out their submissions and profiles to see what kind of person they are, and if I like their stuff, then I subscribe back.
I've been lucky to not lose many subscribers, but when I do, I am mildly disappointed, and I feel almost as though I failed them. These days I do not care as much as I used to, because I'm learning to have my own style and opinions and not to be so afraid of what other people think of me.

4. Is minecraft the only game you play?

From your answer for the last question
the "never seeing them again" answer
just wondering have you ever met a person
again in another place coincidently?

I noticed you like to add poetry to your
skins. What got you into poetry?

I don't play many games besides Minecraft, except a computer version of chess and once in a while I'll go on Shell Shock Live. When I was younger I would play various games including Speedy Eggbert, but I rarely got beyond the first level. I'm actually not much of a gamer.
I've never seen another person on a different place or server, except when we arrange to meet there. It would be really cool, though.
I've been writing poetry ever since I could write at all, about six or seven years of age. I didn't have anything in particular that got me "into it". No one inspired me to do it, and I had no role model or idol. I didn't do it because I wanted to be like my mother or Oscar Wilde or Shakespeare. I think I did it because I had to. I needed a way to express the secret feelings inside of me that I couldn't tell anyone. It was a way of relieving stress, the same as crying or shouting or punching the wall. All I needed was fear or sadness or depression, and with a little push I could go a long way. Blah, I think I am going a little too deep in this :P

Yes, your answers are something that is hard to find on the internet or even the planet (intelligence) due to most people just making duck faces as well as yelling swag and Yolo.

5. What skinning program do you find most comfortable.
How much time do you dedicate to PMC?
How much time do you dedicate to Minecraft?
The name "Unnumbered Tears", does it represent something deep or just a simple name you thought of?

So far I prefer Paint.net over any other program. I haven't yet tried out MCSkin3d, and I'm not sure if I would find it easier to makes skins using it.
I usually spend an hour or two in the evenings on PMC, though sometimes I'll hang out in chat in the afternoon. I play Minecraft about three hours a week on average.
I got the name "Unnumbered Tears" from the Battle of Unnumbered Tears in Tolkien's book, The Silmarillion. I am generally a rather melancholy person, and I liked this name better than the humorous idea that I had previously in mind. It was meant to be poetic, and I think it does have a deeper meaning, though what that meaning is I don't quite know.

6.What do you do in spare time (not PMC/Minecraft)
Do you delete old posts, if so why and when?
Why do you prefer skinning over blogging, modding, build, etc.?

In my spare time I am usually drawing, writing poetry, or curled up in some secret corner reading a book. I've read most of the novels and fiction in my house, so now I am going through the history books :)

I do delete posts, mostly when I decide they are horrible and do not deserve to be posted anywhere on PMC. I've deleted my first skin on here, as well as a few skins that had no downloads, or less than five diamonds. I keep most skins on my profile, because I like to see how far I've come.

7. Have you ever been banned from PMC or a Minecraft Server?
How would you describe yourself in three words?
How long have you been playing minecraft?

No, though I have been kicked a few times on servers. Once, because my brother spammed the chat with "cake", though I was absent at the time, so I guess that wouldn't really be counted as me. The other times were for "Flying (or related", which always happened when I started lagging.
Hmm, this will be hard. I guess... "Thoughtful", "mistrustful", and, um, "artificial", I guess :3 those words may seem weird next to each other, but it is hard to squeeze my personality into three words :/
I've been playing Minecraft for about a year and three months.

8. What does your profile picture mean?
Why did you include "artificial" in the 3 words?
What do you find most incomprehensible about PMC/Minecraft?

The words on my profile are from the last line of the poem under my "Lonely" skin. It could be taken to mean that, literally, no one knows what my face looks like, because I am hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. It could also mean that they do not know of my public face, the facade behind which is my real self. Kind of hard to say it's exact meaning, this is why it was so vague in the first place. I included "artificial" because over half my life has been an act, always pretending that I am something I am not. I still haven't quite escaped that, and I am always trying to be what I think other people will want me to be. I considered "pretentious" and "affected", but neither sounded right.
I wish I could say something really intelligent here, but the truth is I don't know. Either everything is perfectly understandable, or everything is so confusing that my mind can't comprehend the confusion, and so tricks me into thinking I understand everything. Or something like that. (Oh darn, I just confused myself.)

9. Do you have a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen; a lack of hope or confidence in the future? Would you rather build a structure on minecraft or make a full texture pack for minecraft? “Human beings fall easily into despair, and from the very beginning we invented stories that enabled us to place our lives in a larger setting, that revealed an underlying pattern, and gave us a sense that, against all the depressing and chaotic evidence to the contrary, life had meaning and value." In your opinion does this reflect any of your skins?

Not really. Only in a few areas of my life, and once in a while when I get depressed. I've always been more of an optimist, though in recent years I have not been so hopeful.
I'd rather build a structure. I like pixel art, but I wouldn't be able to persevere long enough to complete a whole texture pack.
Hmmm. A little. If the quote means what I take it to mean.

Ok last question(s)
Deep Questions
What have you always wanted but never gotten?

What is your ultimate goal on PMC, MC and IRL?

What fills your mind after it was blank,

Does it go into a pure state of depression or does it decide to be joyful?

I've always wanted a friend who I am worth something to, to have changed their life in a positive way, so that I will really stand out to them and be different from the other people they know in a good way. I mean, I have maybe three friends, and two of them are more of acquaintances.
On PMC I would like to perfect my skinning, and post builds and blogs as well.
In Minecraft I would like to become better at building, but I don't really care very much about that goal.
In real life, I would like to become a therapist and help children from abusive families, as well as write a book.
I think it would be either joyful, or as that sounds a rather strong emotion, probably just peaceful, or contented. It would probably take a while before thoughts of things that I'm not looking forward to would enter my mind and make me nervous or gloomy.

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Failure to do so may lead to lawsuit
CreditUnnumbered Tears for agreeing to me interviewing

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Hypnos_ 12/22/2013 5:05:12 pmDec 22nd, 2013

Fixed a few typo's changed some font sizes and fixed minor
highlighting, paragraph spacing and other similar problem I found.

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12/20/2013 6:05 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Chetcat's Avatar
This is really painful to read... it would look a lot better if you used less harsh, bright colors to highlight and increased the font size.
12/20/2013 11:27 pm
Level 27 : Expert Toast
Hypnos_'s Avatar
Thanks for the advice!
12/20/2013 2:35 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
Unnumbered Tears
Unnumbered Tears's Avatar
Thank you so much for interviewing me, and for sticking to it even when I took days to respond or acted like an idiot. You did a wonderful job, and you should be proud :)
12/21/2013 10:52 pm
Level 27 : Expert Toast
Hypnos_'s Avatar
The days to respond is ok.
You always acted extremly mature
and acted like this was a real
world interview and not
a basic internet minecraft fan site
interview so how did you act like
an idiot?
12/22/2013 2:00 am
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
Unnumbered Tears
Unnumbered Tears's Avatar
I felt as though a lot of my answers were stupid, especially when my only reply was "IDK" or "I'm not really sure", but thanks :)
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