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The Real Cost of Mojang

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Hypnos_'s Avatar Hypnos_
Level 27 : Expert Toast
For a few days I wondered how much mojang costs even tough there was no chance I could buy it i did the math...

Current Sales:
Minecraft PC = 12,400,000 Copies*25$=310M$
Minecraft PE = 10,500,000 Copies*8$=84M$
Minecraft Xbox = 8,000,000 Copies*20$=160M$
All Other Games Together (by Mojang)*Roughly 20$=200M$
*All Other Games Means around 10 million since most are very Minor
Websites and Domains (includes memory and strength) = 10M$
Hosting = 30M$
Minecraft XLBA Devolpment (Current) = 6M$
Labor = 100M$
Time Spent and Ideas = 100M$
approx. 1 Billlion Dollars

So Now You Know That Your Dream Of Buying That Airport have the SAME ODDS as buying

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11/22/2015 1:54 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Cake
TheMightyMouse's Avatar
Too Many Capital Words Man Just Stop It Please
