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Minecraft Out Of Memory Fix!

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PvM_Alex's Avatar PvM_Alex
Level 36 : Artisan Skinner
This will show you how to fix the minecraft out of memory error!

This only works with the windows computers

For windows (And this works for both XP, Vista, 7, for 32bit and 64bit)

1) Open Notepad

2a) Type in the following for XP (for the owner part, you type in what user you are loged in as

2b) Type the following for Vista

NOTE: Two things are variable here. One how much ram you want to nallocate. 1024 = 1gb, which is enough for minecraft and some mods. If you use HD textures, youo ll want to allocate more. Do NOT allocate more ram than you have, and usually leave at least 500mb for the rest of the computer. The second is the location of minecraft.exe. This is assuming Minecraft.exe is on your desktop. Where Owner is bolded, that is your nusername on your computer.

4) Go to File > Save As

5) Name the file whatever you want. I suggest o Minecraft.bato . The .bat part is the important part.

6) Click o Save as Typeo and change it from .txt to o All Fileso and save it in a convenient place.

7) Run the file. It should open a command window, and then open nminecraft. The command window will close when you close minecraft.

NOTE: You can check if it worked by playing minecraft, opening a nworld, and pressing F3. If it worked, it should say o Allocated memory: 100% (989MB)o (assuming you allocated 1024. It will show more if you allocated more). If it DIDNo T work. The allocated memory should be 490ish still.

Every time you play minecraft wanting to use a big map, hd textures ect load the .bat file that you made

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12/01/2011 9:48 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Medessec's Avatar
Memory allocation only works to an extent, because Minecraft stores loaded chunks in the RAM. To "optimize performance" it tends to leave them there, even after you've left the chunks, so that if you ever return to it, it can be instantly loaded. However, they pile up, and you'll get the memory error again.

My friend has 8GB RAM in his comp, and he uses this fix. He's still gotten the "out of memory" error a couple of times, especially on multiplayer servers with huge builds.

Using this fix can put off the error happening, but won't stop it happening altogether.
