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Minecraft Relationships?

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Oreo_Bubble's Avatar Oreo_Bubble
Level 37 : Artisan Cake
Minecraft Relationships,

Something almost all of us have seen. Most have done. Marriages, little dates watching the sunset. Yeah it is romantic but what if the person you're watching it with isn't who they say they are. You might not have any proof of them being who they really are. I'm not talking about people who do have the proof and skype with their sweet heart. Then there's the people who take it too far, far enough to lie to people about who they are. Making fictional characters who they think are the perfect people. Making lie after lie after lie. So, what happens if some one catches one of your mistakes and starts unraveling who you really are. What happens then? You go to another server and start over? I'm here to talk about that and to hear what you all think of this.

Now I will admit that I have dated over minecraft at least 3 times. Only because they were close to my area and I had proof of who they were. The thing I worry about most when people date over Minecraft, is when they think they can start cybering. It's just weird. I know there are people out there who are 10+ that think it's fine. Nothing can happen. Then there's the people who are in like their 20's and above. Cybering, with all these kids around and sometimes WITH these kids. It's all fun and games just until it goes across the line. I'm not going to be getting into those details because it may be a bit much for some. People doing this, it's just disturbing. I have played on some servers who put "No Cybering" as one of their rules. I don't have the ip's to them for how many times I have had to re-install my minecraft. When they say it isn't allowed don't just take it to another server. Just don't do it at all. Who cares if it's what the all the "COOL" kids do. I know this is an old one but if all the "COOL" kids went to go jump off a cliff, would you do it too just be "COOL"?

Then theres the people who go low enough to cheat on their online sweety. Like dating one guy on this server, and dating another guy on that server. Some people go and cheat on some one on the server they both play on. Seriously, who does that? I met some one who had enough nerve to date 3 guys on different servers, then flirt with another guy while one of the guys was right there. They call others s****s? Minecraft dating has become a serious problem for some. Say, if you thought you were in love with some one who lives on the other side of the world but they break up with you for some reason, you feel heart broken. Some people will try to go suicidal because they are "forever alone" now. That they will never find another love. Get over it. Seriously, it's a game. There are other people. REAL WORLD PEOPLE. People you can REALLY TOUCH. Excuse my use of the caps lock but thinking your life is over because some one left you. You didn't really know these people unless you knew them in real life before. Other than that you don't really love them. Unless they go full on proof and truth for you, you don't really love them. You like them.

Now I used to be fine with people dating on minecraft. Having marriages. Going on dates. I was fine with it, until they start getting it on. Acting like they gave birth to one of the players. Role play is fun I admit, but getting it on, messaging each other like you're sexting. That's a bit much. I run a server with the developer since the owner doesn't come on. We had a couple who decided they would get it on saying the details out loud. Making dramatic affects such as "Blah Blah: *Moans*". Like Wtf? We told them to do it through message and keep it to themselves. Next day. I logged on because i kept getting complaints on skype that they were starting it again. Only it was worse. I had to go and talk to them alone about what was happening. The conversation. "Oh one just slipped and we thought it would be fine till you were on" Like there were no others on? It kept getting worse. From hugging to kissing and so on. It got to a point of giving bj's. Disgusting. I don't care how old they were. We had a little kid join. Around 7-10. Asked what they were doing. I can't explain that. I'm not a health teacher or this kid's parent. What was I supposed to do? I had to end it. I told them if it happened once more I would make sure that ever mcban server they played on would know, what they do exactly as it happens. They split up. I feel bad about doing that but I had, had enough of it. I have to put up a rule that states NO CYBERING.

Get what I'm saying? What I want you to do is give me a feed back on your opinion and see wether you think Minecraft dating is fine and sometimes it gets a little out of hand or The people need to get off their butts and find a real girl/boy. Your opinion. State what you think and don't mind what others put against you.

Sorry for any mistakes I have made on this.

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04/27/2013 10:23 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
One_Of_Many_Humans's Avatar
learned this on roblox....
04/28/2013 8:00 am
Level 37 : Artisan Cake
Oreo_Bubble's Avatar
Roblox? Whut
03/06/2013 9:36 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
Lol got married on a server cuz I thought is was just for rp, right? just role play, and then the guy took it for real, and I'm thinking "dude, I have a boyfriend, I thought we were jut joking and role playing" so I got an endergirl skin and said I'm getting infected with ender disease and can't be married to him anymore, and I got to keep our adopted daughter LOL yeah adopted so yeah and she was calling me mom and stuff and so like you know I kinda told her I was sick of it so she had to get used to calling me lauren xD

lol mc dating is bad >.>

my friend Skyhero12322 on my fav server dated this girl and they she said she hated him (probably cuz he rp dates, wich isn't technicly dating) and like I'm thinking dude make it a personyou actualy know irl... and then I started to like people on that server DEY BRAINWASHED MEH

lol dont date in mc xD
05/30/2014 6:42 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Luvey's Avatar
Lauren i found you AND I NOW THE SERVER IM ON IT RIGHT NOW MWAHAHAHAHAHA oh god i go on internet to much .-.
05/30/2014 7:39 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
Hi luvey xD yeah didn't know you were here, kit is on here too!!! YEY lets having a competition or something xD
03/07/2013 11:28 am
Level 37 : Artisan Cake
Oreo_Bubble's Avatar
Lol, nice way to play it out of that marriage :3
02/22/2013 10:32 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
knightkid123's Avatar
I once joined a server, and the first thing I saw was, quite literally, a sex scene.That was awful, and I decided to talk to the person who was doing this.I added them on Skype, and told them how awful they looked when doing that.Its gross.They blocked me, after sending me messages saying that I was wrong..
03/07/2013 11:29 am
Level 37 : Artisan Cake
Oreo_Bubble's Avatar
Oh wow
02/21/2013 2:27 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
Jeanine's Avatar
There was this server with the marry me plugin and I <3ed (now I hate it). Well.. I married this guy and ended up playing minecraft normally with him xD. We went exploring LOL. So I don't count that as dating I counted that as being friends.

But I really only dated once.

There was this other one I dated srsly we got married like 4 times and pretended to kiss and shit.

02/21/2013 2:48 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cake
Oreo_Bubble's Avatar
Lol, you can date :3 pick a guy around your area xD like at school or something xD
