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Minecraft Survival Games 1: PVPing like a pro (For Contest)

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CrypticGT's Avatar CrypticGT
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
Hello PMC, welcome to my tutorial on Survival games PVPing how to own it up. In this tutorial, I will teach you some useful skills and tips that will make a difference between living, and dieing.

The Battle Plan
The main thing you want to worry about with PVP is your plan. Most people make the mistake of charging an opponent head on
Not only is this most likely get you killed, even if you do win, you will likely be at a huge loss of hearts, making you an easy kill for nearby opponents, instead, come in from either the left or right side and aim for your opponent's side.
This way, he has to aim at you and the adrenaline of the battle, will make him fidgety and less likely to hit you.
Once your actually fighting him, try to fight him by pacing around in a circle. No not a wide circle and not actually hitting him, because that literally does nothing. Try and stay within damage range and attack his side. Most likely, lag will make you a harder target.

Terrain is also a big factor in PVP. Weather its a mountain or a field, you need to know the tricks to survive. Lets take a look at 2 scenarios and describe what to do in each one

Scenario 1
Your on the run, you don't have a sword and your hunter has a iron sword and armor. What do you do?
Well for starters, Run for water. Once in at water, most people try and go underwater, this does not help, stay above water and try to jump as much as possible, if his main goal is to hit you, he will take whatever chance he gets, if he manages to hit you at the right time, you will get a boost away from him from the power of the blow, and will gain some distance away from him. Head to the nearest shoreline and take sharp turns, with any luck he will move onto an easier target
If there is a nearby player, run near him, one may attack the other, giving you a chance to run away.

Scenario 2
You are the hunter, you've got your prey on the ropes, how can you catch up with him?
If you have food on you, Start sprinting (Double-Tap W) and hold the space bar. This will make you go double the speed as sprinting but will require more food so only do it if you have food or your enemy has food
Your prey has gone into the water, what to do?
Give up, in the amount of time it will take to chase him down the water, get a hit on him, watch him get farther away because you hit him at the wrong time, you could have killed another person, just let it go.

Now, even though this is the opposite of PVP, I think its worth telling.
In the early stages of the games, people make teams, not only does this make it easier to beef through people, teams can share food and equipment making them deadly to face in combat.
Lets go back to scenario 1 again, if those 2 things dont work and its an early stage of the games, look behind you and drop an item of interest. This tells him, without using precious time for typing, that you want to be a team. Only drop 1 item as if he declines it and resumes chasing you, it can prove costly even if you escape. However NEVER try to team in the top 10, not only does this never EVAR work, it doesn't even make sense. Imagine your chasing some noob who obviously has no weapon and he offers you food, would YOU team with him?

Well I think this sums it up, any further questions about PVPing in the survival games? Leave a comment, im glad 2 help!

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