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Minecraft: The Legend Of Steve - Trailer [HD]

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Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Hello and welcome to my forum post about my upcoming series The Legend Of Steve. So I never actually thought I would even don anything with this story but with all the support I got I did it and I hope you guys enjoy. We will be needing much more support if we want to continue to write this roleplay and have it for release! Thanks everybody!

Some people believe there are other worlds out there other than our own;n one specifically is a universe where the laws of physics are different and human's can take extraordinary damage and still be living, where the world never ends and resources are abundant. Even something as simplistic as punching a tree can get you a bundle of wood.

Day 1: A man wakes up in a mysterious place on a beach not knowing who he is, what he is, nor where he is. Yet he somehow has all this information in his brain that tells him that the physics are different in this world and that acquiring materials and mining is everything he needs to survive from the horrific creatures of the night. Trying to figure out where he came from was the last thing on his mind, all he needed to do is build a temporary shelter to survive from the night creatures.

Day 7: All these strange happenings keep occurring and the man loses his creations often with
no clue of what could have happened because every time he returns to then spot that he built it is cleaned as if he never even built there at all. All he could think of is that he must be going crazy and to even think that drives the man more crazy. He even hears all these strange footsteps behind him when he is mining for material.

Day 20: Clearing his mind the man continues on and while gathering some resources spots a man that looks and is dressed just like himself. He is stumped and with his crazy mood he starts thinking to himself and comes up with this hypothesis, "He must be in some kind of time loop", and figures out that all the footsteps and eerie noises must actually be himself from the future and not only that but he is building a house that resembles the house he first built non this island... and in the same place he built it. He can not make up any other explanation. He never confronts this man and loses track of him in time because of himself being afraid.

Day 28: The man grows more curious to know where he came from and why he has no memory of anything. He knows he has been on this island far to long and that he must now find out where he came from once and for all. After gathering the right material he ventures out into the world with no lead of where he is going; He decides to head in the opposite direction from the beach that he woke up from that first day he appeared on the island.

Day 34: After walking for days and days with all the strange things that have got in his way, the man discovers an massive sealed laboratory that seems its been abandoned for years and decides to look inside it for answers. After first looking into this laboratory he hears something and finds that he is not alone, sensing someone is watching him he becomes afraid and tries to hide. Stumbling behind an old desk he finds some of the research papers about this strange man that must of use to work in this laboratory and pictures of bodies that look like himself. Could it be some sort of sick demented experiment? The information he reads tell him that he is not in a time loop, but that he is a part of a experiment of this scientist that is cloning people, Could these creatures that roam the night be a part of this scientist sick experiments? A man then reveals himself, o Hello Steveo , he says. o Welcome homeo ....

Would you like to be a part of The Legend Of Steve?
We need:

Effect Helpers - This Means they go invisible and do all the crazy stuff like fire, tnt, thunder, etc.

Effect Helper Application -
Why you want the job(at least 2 sentences):
Anything you'd like to add:

Actors - They don't speak they just act out the movements of the character and have to be able to follow directions.

Actors Application -
Why you want the job(at least 2 sentences):
Anything you'd like to add:

Skin Artist - They obviously make the skins that we ask for...

Skin Artist Application -
Why you want the job(at least 2 sentences):
Anything you'd like to add:

Voice Actors - They must have a very strong voice and they act out the voice of characters.

Voice Actor Application -
Why you want the job(at least 2 sentences):
Anything you'd like to add:

Builders - They build all the neat stuff for our series, You must show us some sort of creation you have made

Builders Application -
Why you want the job(at least 2 sentences):
Prove -
Anything you'd like to add:

If there is anything else you think you can help with please fill out an application and state what it is. Thanks for all the people who apply inn advance!

Please also feel free to just comment on what you think about this so far. :)

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Illuminate 07/29/2011 1:22:49 pmJul 29th, 2011

We are working on the first episode now. Brohoster got shut down so we are finding a replacement for a server hoster. Wish us luck!

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08/15/2011 6:52 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
any updates now??
10/05/2011 8:42 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Huge updates coming soon, we had some problems with finding the right people because we had auditions. So.. I will be releasing a teaser for the first episode soon.
09/25/2011 10:16 am
Level 22 : Expert Spelunker
Doesn't seem so... :/
08/05/2011 9:20 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
what texture pack?
08/02/2011 7:04 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Unicorn
ITS EPIC THE VID :D what is the name of the song?
08/01/2011 12:52 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
Actors Application -

Age: 15

Name: Boris Rybalov

IGN: Borisr55

Skype: Boris.rybalov

Why you want the job(at least 2 sentences): I am extremely interested in the plot and story of this idea. I love to act and have tried to make my own series on youtube. I also love the idea o the time paradox and would love to work with MojandProductions

Experience: Well I did voice and speech class in high school and also I am a avid actor in video production class (even though I'm not even in the class). I think I am a funny person and a great actor!

Anything you'd like to add: I would love to act in your movie!

and yes..... I am one of the only ones who posted my skype!
08/01/2011 8:31 am
Level 45 : Master Wizard
This is A LOT like the fanmade trailer of minecraft on youtube. it's not exactly like it, but there still is a little of similarity between the two. however, good job on the trailer, what record system were you using?
07/31/2011 7:44 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Taco
Moved submission. Reason: Mistake
07/31/2011 7:44 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Taco
Moved submission. Reason: Mistake
07/30/2011 10:12 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Actors Application -


Name: kie mattson


Skype: doraexplordme

Why you want the job(at least 2 sentences): i just thought it might be somthing fun to do over my summer. and i rely enjoy acting and minecraft so add them both together and i will have the best time ever

Experience: i have 4 years of school drama as well as some plays and i did some voice acting for a school news cast

