Minecraft Blogs / Other

Minehut or Aternos?

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Frankonmeanie's Avatar Frankonmeanie
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
So you want to host a Minecraft server for free and you have narrowed down the hosts to either Minehut or Aternos and you don’t know which to choose. Well I can solve that problem for you right here right now. Both have their pros and their cons but ultimately Minehut is the way to go. Pretty simple.

Aternos is much more laggy and comes with much less benefits. For instance, with a Minehut server you also get access to Minehut own lobby which has a chat feature to find other servers and talk to other Minecraft users, even if someone is just a member on your server they can still enter the lobby and start the server themselves by typing /join (your server name).

So essentially if you come to the choice between Aternos or Minehut, go for Minehut.

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