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Monster Hunter Frontier Need Testers !!

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Heltrato's Avatar Heltrato
Level 59 : Grandmaster Engineer
Great Day PMC , If you read this please have time

=) . It is a great thanks for you if you read this whole article.

We the modding team are in need of some people to test our upcoming mod for our initial release

and we want you people to try it . This is to have us to have a proper suggestions and reports about

the community . Well in a several days the mod will be on its next update however we still need

to make you people this it . So at least there will be just minimal bugs for the game .

Again we are recruiting testers for our mod . Hopefully someone also make a review for our update .

Since we lack of reviews ( dunno why =0 ) .

Suggestions :

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If you want to become a beta tester

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04/06/2016 6:21 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MysticThief98's Avatar
I would be honored to test this mod. I am a Minecraft fan and modder, not to mention an extreme supporter and player of Monster Hunter! I am proud to say that I've slain the Jhen Moran myself, so I know what I'm taking about. Putting my favorite game into a mod for another favorite is genius! I would always be ready to test this mod!
12/07/2013 6:05 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
PCAwesomeness's Avatar
I am looking forward to the new versions. Heck, I'd even test them before they came out!
10/31/2013 12:31 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Engineer
Heltrato's Avatar
Any other else =] come on people dont be shy :)
10/29/2013 5:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
aguinmox's Avatar
Hey i've been a great fan of your mod . And yes ive be willing to test your mod since this is an awesome update

Just looking at your pic seems new brutal mobs and Kirin -_-
