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Monster Spawner Ids!

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+_[]heroscall's Avatar +_[]heroscall
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Here is a list of Monster/Animal spawner ids, I know how many people need them and dont want to waste their time doing /give [Name] 52:1-120 to find it.
Here it is:
52 = Pig
52:61 = Blaze
52:91 = Pig
52:92 = Cow
52:93 = Chicken
52:99 = IronGolem
52:95 = Wolf
52:51 = Skeleton
52:60 = Silverfish
52:62 = MagmaCube
52:58 = Enderman
52:63 = EnderDragon
52:50 = Creeper
52:59 = CaveSpider
52:52 = Spider
52:55 = Slime
52:57 = Zombie Pigman
52:54 = Zombie
52:65 = Bat
52:100 = Horse
52:96 = Mooshroom Cow
52:56 = Ghast
52:98 = Ocelot
52:94 = Squid
52:120 = Villager
52:97 = Snowman
52:66 = Witch


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