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My idea for Minecraft: Custom difficulty

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vilidin's Avatar vilidin
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
Hello, I have recently seen some suggestion blogs and I thought that I could try to make one. This is about something that I have had in my head for quite a while. There has been no difficulty to fully satisfy me. I like to play on hard but it's really annoying that the hunger bar depletes way too fast. My idea is custom difficulty.

There would be new options called difficulty options there you could create your own difficulty. You could choose things like:
-Will hostile mobs spawn?
-How strong the mobs are.
-Rate of zombies spawning with weapons and armor.
-Rate of skeletons spawning with armor.
-Spawn rate for certain mobs.
-How fast hunger depletes.
-Will fire spread?
-Will fire damage you?
-Enable and disable fall damage.
-Enable and disable 1.6 zombies.
-Enable and disable regional difficulty.
-Will zombies infect villagers?
-Will zombies and skeletons burn in sunlight?
-Can zombies break doors?

Some people don't like certain mobs. Some people don't like bats, some people don't like horses and I personally don't like those fast little baby zombies. That's why there would be list of all mobs and you could choose to disable those which you don't like or possibly enable those that are in the game but not naturally spawned like giants and zombie and skeleton horses.
[ ]Creeper
[X]Baby Zombie

Possibly you could choose in which dimensions certain mobs will spawn in. For example, you could create difficulty where pigs will spawn in Nether or you could try to make the game ashard as possible by having ghasts in overworld.

This was my suggestion about custom difficulty thanks for reading it and I hope you liked it!

(Yes, it might seem bit ironic that my last blog was rant about bad/overly suggested ideas but I don't personally consider this that bad or overly suggested.)

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01/11/2014 1:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
FizzyHazza's Avatar
Hi vili in sent you a freind request on the xbox and can you accept it I'm thesleepykitten8 on pc
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