This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Middleage NPC Towns

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Centurian_Officer's Avatar Centurian_Officer
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
This is my contribution to minecraft for this years Minedeas! It is about having different nations eg. Barbaric, Dwarven and Humans all with different buildings, skins, behavior and weapons/tools! I will show some of my building and skin ideas on this same page if possible. Read on and enjoy!

Dwarven towns will spawn in extreme hill biomes. The buildings will be very stoney and blockish. They will spawn short NPCs that will either go mining, guard, or do their own thing! These guys will be slow, but have more health than a regular Minecraft NPC villager. The townbuildings will be short and stubby. They would include: Townhall, Great forge, quarry, houses, tavern and a barracks. The towns may extend into mountains depending on where they spawn. The guards will have iron armour and swords but wont have any ranged units.

Barbaric Villages can be found in any large forest and would usually be found near a water source. The buildings will be enclosed inside wooden palisade outer wall. They will be very woody and natural. They will have simple buildings such as taverns, watermills, houses, musterfields (Tribal barracks) and lumbermills. The main proffesions of the villagers of these barbaric settlements are guards and lumberjacks. Guards may have leather amour with iron helmets, bows and stone swords. It would be fantastic if Notch, Jeb ect. would add a new armour slot: shields There could be leather, iron, gold and diamond! But moving on...

Human towns will be surrounded by high cobble and stone brick walls. They will have farmhouses and fields outside though. Most human buildings will have 2 storeys. The bottom storey will be made of cobble, logs and planks while the second storey will be made of logs and wool. The human villagers main jobs are farmer, merchant and fisherman. A human town will spawn in any biome except desert and extreme hills. Human buildings consist of houses, chapels, castles, blacksmith, markets, farmhouses, inns ect. Every Level 3 Human town will have a castle. Every castle spawns very special NPCs, a king, a queen, a guard captain and a royal advisor. The castles will have guards, servants, chefs and paladins to serve and protect the royal family. Paladins will spawn in cathedrals that can only be built when a city reaches Level 3. Paladins are tough guards that wear golden armour and have gold swords and will switch to a bow if neccesary.

Human towns are the only towns that will spawn gatherers, collectors, builders and architects. These very important NPCs will build the town 1 block at a time, where in Dwarven and barbaric towns they will just generate and stay that way. The gatherers and collectors work together to get supplies for the architects to design a building and the builders to build it. This means that instead of spawning a town minecraft world generation will spawn an architect's guild and some NPCs, the player can then help with construction and gathering.

That pretty much covers my idea for the new minecraft update, I may put pictures down below vvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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12/07/2012 7:01 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Centurian_Officer's Avatar
phew that was a fair bit of typing
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