Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Need Help?? How to use: Anvils

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Level 44 : Master Electrician
Hello there, this is a Tutorial on how to use anvils. Thanks for reading :P

So anvils are anvils, right? NO. They are a magical block. They can do some magical things. So here is the anvil itself:

Need Help?? How to use: Anvils

So lets get on with it, shall we?? Here is what the anvil looks like on the inside.

Need Help?? How to use: Anvils

It costs XP to use the anvil. It costs money to change the name, and combine enchantments, and also repair it. To change the name is cost's 12 XP; to reapiar it, it takes 1 XP for every block it takes to repair; and enchantments cost the amount of enchantments on the tools.

Need Help?? How to use: Anvils

If you don't have enough XP, then this happens.

After you give it a name, repair it, and such hit the finished product and off you go!

Thanks for reading!! Have a good Day/night.

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11/04/2012 12:36 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragon
this makes me love the new update even more because i know how to use the best thing now!
11/04/2012 1:44 pm
Level 44 : Master Electrician
Your Welcome
