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New minecraft server -- Need help

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[Neolidiyum]'s Avatar [Neolidiyum]
Level 1 : New Miner
Hai all! As you can probably tell by the title I want to start a new server, and I need your help! Alright so Io ll start by talking a little bit about myself. I have been playing minecraft since about alpha, at first mostly singleplayer, but then I started to explore aspects of multiplayer. I have played on a variety of servers. Vanilla, PvP, Build, Tekkit. I have always wanted to host one myself. Take all the good aspects of servers I have played on and combine them and leave out the bad stuff.

I have been planning on having my own server for some time now, but I never really had the time or the motivation to do it, until now, but I cannot do it alone, I need your help. So you might be asking.

"What kind help do you need?"

Well I will tell you what kind of help I need good sir. I need a team of about 8 or more people to help me out with this project. If you desire to help you will need to pass some requirements before you can join my team of awesome server makers.

- You MUST, MUST, MUST have Skype and a microphone so we can communicate in group calls.

- I do not want kids trying to help me, I need mature people who can handle them self's so usually around 14-15 preferably older.

- You need to know a thing or two about minecraft and/or computers in general. It will greatly help.

- Setting up a server is a long process so I ask of you to be patient while we do it because it will take some time. I will most likely be spending 3-4h a day, and most of my weekends on this, I know people are busy so I do not expect you to spend as much time as I do on this server, but expect 2-4 hours a week minimum.

So to be more specific on what kind of help I need, this will NOT be some small server that is going to be hosted on a P4 with 512mb computer in my momo s basement. I will be paying for a server in a data center, and I will need a team of people willing to help in specific areas of the server.

- Advertisement -- 1 to 2 people, just to plan out how we are going to advertise the server. Maybe make a promo video or two just to get people excited about it.

- Art Design o When I say design I mean a few people who know a thing or two about Photoshop and just art in general to make the website look better and for the advertisement.

- Website management o 1 or 2 people just to manage the website, build it up. We will be using XenForo so you do not need too much experience. Just someone who can take care of a website a very simple job create a few forums subsections etc..

- Server design o These are the people who will be actually helping me to get a server up and running, add all the mods in etco ¦, I am experienced with minecraft bukkit server, and linux. (Thato s what we will be using) So if, you want to be part of this team I would like you to have worked with bukkit servers before, and if you know a thing or two about Linux that is even better if you do not ito s not really a big deal, I can work with the linux computer and other people can be using Windows or Mac, but if I am unavailable I would like someone to know how to go in and modify something. I would like 3-4 or more people working with me on this one.

- Bug testing o Once the server is up it will not go public right away. I plan to spend a week or two just playing on the server to make sure all the mods are stable. Than we wipe the map build a spawn and we go public, for this section it is just as many people who want to help.

- Builder/Architect o This is an important role; it requires the least amount of computer knowledge but the most in-game experience. In my opinion it is all about first impressions, when someone join's the server for the first time they will take a look around. For the majority of people, if the spawn looks impressive they will stay if ito s a little crappy 10x10 house with 2 sings the likelihood of them leaving is greatly increased. Ito s not just about getting people onto the servers ito s making sure they will stay on the server and enjoy the server as much as possible. Again as many people who want help.

If you think you could help with something that I have not mentioned above or just have an idea or suggestion, please free to contact me.

So that brings us to the next section, o How do I apply to help?o

I have created an email address for anyone who wants to apply so I can keep it separate from my actual email for the application process; it makes my life easier because I will have all the applications in front of me to look at instead of going through like 50 emails looking for the application ones only.

SO to apply email neolidiyum@gmail.com, in your app you should have the following things. The subject line should say what position you are hoping to get, then in the body of the email tell me if you had any previous experience, your knowledge on the specific section, for example, if you are applying for the server design tell me what you know about bukkit, etc.. if you apply for Art Design send a picture of you work, or if you apply for Builder send me some of your in-game creations etco ¦. So here is an example of an application.

I will apply for server design.

To: neolidiyum@gmail.com


Subject: YOURNAME/IGNHERE o Server Design

Hello I am applying for Server Design; I use to be an admin on a different server (SERVER NAME HERE), I occasionally worked on the server while the owner was away, this went on for 6 months until the server got shut down. I use linux as my secondary operating system, and I am very experienced with it. I am currently 16 and have been playing minecraft since beta 1.3. I am very mature and can handle myself. I have a high- speed internet connection and dono t mind talking over skype.


If you are thinking to yourself right now o I am nothing like thato , dono t worry that is just an example app I am not expecting some network server/UNIX professional who has been doing the job for the like 12 years to apply or a university graduate in with a degree in art and design to apply. So if, you dono t have much skill you can still apply.

Last order of business, what do you get for all your hard work? Well I plan to make a donation perks if the server gets big enough and enough people donate after paying the server bill the money will be split.

Alright so now you know everything you need to apply so get to it! I am looking forward to reading all your applications and working with all you guys!

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09/29/2012 11:14 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
spyperson's Avatar
Let me be really honest here... You're wishing for a lot more than you can take.
09/30/2012 7:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
[Neolidiyum]'s Avatar
What do you mean?
09/30/2012 9:45 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
spyperson's Avatar
I think you are overestimating what you can do/how much the community will help.
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