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OC Do's and Don'ts

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Oakmi's Avatar Oakmi
Level 47 : Master Prince
WARNING: This is merely the opinion of me, TheChibiGamer. If you don't agree, that's nice honey. But honestly. I couldn't care less. Just don't shove your reasons about why I'm wrong all in my junk okay? Not cool.

OC Do's and Don'ts:

I mentioned in my Cecil Griffen OC Skin that I would make this. Please do not take any of this personally. I don't hate you. I just hate your ideas

I will probably add more if I get any ideas. Suggestions are greatly welcomed as well, so that I may expand even further!

OC Do's and Don'ts

OC Do's
These are tips I suggest you implement in your OC. (OPINIOOOONS o A O)

1. Unique features
     Have you ever sat on the toilet, contemplating life, when all of a sudden an awesome idea about a never-before thought of ability/ image/ personality/ trait for an OC? Write it down. Everyone loves ideas made with your own brain and not someone else's.

2. Personality
     Think of a great personality for your character. Not something mainstream like, -shy, cutesy, timid, quiet- Not that that's not a good thing. But honestly I liek characters that are bold, daring, funny! Don't be afraid to add weird characteristics that make your OC different from everyone else!

3. Running gags
     If your OC was in an anime, what would be the running gag about them. This isn't essential, but it honestly makes OCs so much better. For example -often mistaken as a girl, even by his friends-. It doesn't have to be a gag either. Just something that stays with your character throughout the story. Like -can't stand the cold- or -allergic to animals-. These kind of things can be used brutally against your character just for the sake of some comical relief. :)

4. Deep backstory
     Make something that really connects your audience with your OC. Like -character was orphaned- or something sad that makes your viewer fall in love with them. (Brook's backstory was the best *crai* ; A ;)

OC Don'ts
These are tips I suggest you don't have in your OC. (OPINIOOOONS. Honestly. I keep repeating this so you better not mess it up okay? . _ .)

1. *My OC is totally the girlfriend of -hot character/ main character-
     Let me tell you why that's -insert naughty word of your choice here-. Honestly I feel (feel as in OPINION) that your OC shouldn't be super special. If the author wants the character to find love etc. they'll add in their own character. These kind of OCs are the kinds that like to draw attention. (typically)

2. My OC is the long lost sibling of -main character-
     Again. If the author wants to implement a surprise sibling (plot twist) they will add their own character.

3. My OC has -insert power here- that is super rare and unique and makes her wanted by everyone. 
     (Remember these are exaggerations) Again. Attention hog. I don't like that. I understand that tons of fictional characters have supernatural powers. I understand that you want your OC's powers to be unique. But honestly. We can do without the fluff "Ooooh my OC has the strongest power in the whole world and stuff". No . _ .

4. My OC is the most beautiful/ handsome and people right and left fall in love with them. (Sorry I noticed I'm using female
     pronouns a lot). How many times do I have to tell you. No one likes attention hogs okay.

5. My OC has the same power/ ability as -main character/ OP character- 
     OCs are meant to be characters brought to life with your creativity, and yours alone. How do you think the author would feel if they saw your little copy-cat character. (I like use situations like: how would the author feel if they saw your OC. As if your OC was already implemented into the main story)

6. This one has to do with your OC's art. Don't just take an already existing character and re-color it. That doesn't count as an Original Character. It honestly pisses me off, especially since I aim to be a great artist. No artist wants their work plagiarized like that.

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04/01/2015 7:35 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Yukine's Avatar
That luffy doe.
04/01/2015 7:36 pm
Level 47 : Master Prince
Oakmi's Avatar
ikr. Even hotter as a girl
04/01/2015 7:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Yukine's Avatar
11/07/2014 8:03 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
LoLMaster63pc's Avatar
How about an Zombie-Killing guy that has the power of controling fire, land and thunder that still does not knows how to control his powers but still uses them to kill zombies with a mutant gang and stuff. Is that super OP?(yes...)

Or How about an guy that goes to a college and it turns out to be a magic school and he has no magic until he enters and...*Takes DEEP Breath* *Says this super fast* He drinks a fire potion, he electrifies himself, he drained the teacher's powers once, he had one of his friends to give him one magic, ect............. So?
11/08/2014 9:38 am
Level 47 : Master Prince
Oakmi's Avatar
Well I think you should limit your characters powerto only one. In my opinion people with control over multiple things can get a bit too OP, even if they don't have full control over their powers :D
10/28/2014 5:50 am
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
awesomeman29's Avatar
What is OC?
10/28/2014 5:38 pm
Level 47 : Master Prince
Oakmi's Avatar
"An original character, or OC, is a character usually created by a fanfiction* author to slip into a world that already exists by the works of another author. These characters are usually the main character of the author's fanfiction (I say fanfiction because if it's not fanfiction, itshould be a given that all characters are original) and co-exist with original characters from the book, movie, or TV series.

For example, if I created a character named Rebecca, she is my OC. Let's say, for this example, that she has dark blond hair, a round face, dramatic eyebrows, excels at language classes, enjoys lacrosse and cricket, and has Lithuanian ancestry. (weak Dr. Lecter reference there - anyone?) She also attends Hogwarts School of WItchcraft and Wizardry. She is in the Ravenclaw house, and is acquaintances with Luna Lovegood.
Rebecca is an OC in a fanfiction story because she's my character, but is now in a world created by J. K. Rowling, not me. I hope this helps a bit.

* a "fanfiction" is a piece of fiction, anywhere from the length of a short story to a full novel, published on online websites usually dedicated to fanfiction. These stories are about established universes, meaning about stories that already exist (i.e., writing about Harry Potter and his friends, but with your own story), but the characters are manipulated (in good or bad ways) to change the story to the fanfiction-author's liking. Most include a new plot, separate from the original book, movie or series."

As stated by a previous comment by IceCream_Sundae
The Silver Paladin
09/21/2014 1:05 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Question. Would an overpowered OC power be controlling disease?
09/21/2014 2:05 pm
Level 47 : Master Prince
Oakmi's Avatar
Not in my opinion. o 3 o But a good way to prevent that is to make it so they don't have full control over their powers yet. So they aren't as powerful as they can be.
The Silver Paladin
09/21/2014 2:18 pm
Level 27 : Expert Mage
The Silver Paladin's Avatar
Yeah, They have to wear a HAZMAT suit in Public unless they're eating to prevent spread of infection.
