Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

Pixelmon Item ID's for 3.2 Blog for 1.7.10

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red0fireus's Avatar red0fireus
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai

If you want to buy a host buy from this one! https://buy.wolfcraftserver.com/aff.php?aff=077

This is the link to all the crafting recipes ;D /\

3.1 Permissions http://goo.gl/IXopck

I hope you enjoy the new blog ;D

If you want to help the blog out, Give it a Diamond it Helps me get it more popular and when you give a diamond you dont lose anything :)

Check Out this server windingmon.mcph.co its really cool and has an amazing website http://windingmon.enjin.com/ Check it out now!

Most Important items

Rare Candy ID = 4383

Old Running Shoes ID  = 4431

New Running Shoes ID = 4430

Pokedex ID = 4381


Regular Pokeball ID 4103

Great Ball ID 4104

Ultra Ball ID 4105

Master Ball ID 4106

Level Ball ID 4107

Moon Ball ID 4108

Friend Ball ID 4109

Love Ball ID 4110

Safari Ball ID 4111

Heavy Ball ID 4112

Fast Ball ID 4113

Repeat Ball ID 4114

Timer Ball ID 4115

Nest Ball ID 4116

Net Ball ID 4117

Dive Ball ID 4118

Luxury Ball ID 4119

Heal Ball ID 4120

Dusk Ball ID 4121

Premier Ball ID 4122


Cobble Badge ID 4185

Fen Badge ID 4189

Earth Badge ID 4187

Dynamo Badge ID 4186

Coal Badge ID 4184

Cascade Badge ID 4183

Boulder Badge ID 4182

Beacon Badge ID 4181

Balance Badge ID 4179

Marsh Badge ID 4197

Knuckle Badge ID 4196

Icicle Badge ID 4195

Hive Badge ID 4194

Heat Badge ID 4193

Glacier Badge ID 4192

Forest Badge ID 4191

Fog Badge ID 4190

Mind Badge ID 4198

Rainbow Badge ID 4203

Mine Badge ID 4199

Mineral Badge ID 4200

Plain Badge ID 4201

Rain Badge ID 4202

Relice Badge ID 4204

Rising Badge ID 4205

Soul Badge ID 4206

Stone Badge ID 4207

Feather Badge ID 4188

Zephyr Badge ID 4211

Volcano Badge ID 4210

Thunder Badge ID 4209

Storm Badge ID 4208

Held Items

Everstone ID 4350

Lucky Egg ID  4351

EXP Share ID 4352

Oran Berry ID 4363

Rawst Berry ID 4364

Leppa Berry ID 4365

Choice Band ID 4353

Choice Scarf ID 4354

Choice Spectacles ID 4355
- Added!

Macho Brace ID 4356

Power Weight ID 4357

Power Bracer ID 4358

Power Belt ID 4359

Power Lens ID 4360

Power Band ID 4361

Power Anklet ID 4362

Soothe Bell ID 4366

Smoke Ball ID 4367

Wide Lens ID 4368

Leftovers ID 4369

Shell Bell ID 4370

Cell Battery ID 4371

Metronome ID 4372

Metal Coat ID 4373

Dubious Disc ID 4374

Electirizer ID 4375

Magmarizer ID 4376

Razor Fang ID 4380

Up-Grade ID 4379

King's Rock ID 4377

Protector ID 4378 - Added!

Pixelmon Blocks

Temple Block ID 191

Temple Stairs ID 192

Temple Brick Stairs ID 193

Pixelmon Spawner ID 199

Sun Stone Ore ID 197

DawnStone Ore ID 176

Trade Machine ID 4098

Fossil Machine ID 4099

Cloning Machine ID 4102

Temple Brick ID 190

ThunderStone ID Ore 166

Poke Chest ID 194

Anvil ID 4407

Healer ID 4097

Master Ball Block/Chest ID 196

Ultra Ball Block/Chest ID 195

Ancient Pillar ID 187

PC ID 4096

Fossil Cleaner ID 4327

Fossil Ore ID 181

Bauxite Ore  ID 180

Fiery Shrine 4446

Static Shrine ID 4445

Frozen Shrine ID 4444

Fire Stone Ore ID 169

Water Stone Ore ID 168

LeafStone Ore ID 167

Ice Heal ID 4399

Awakening Heal ID 4397

Parlyz Heal ID 4396

Antidote ID 4395

Burn Heal ID 4398

Full Heal ID 4400

Revive ID 4398

Max Revive ID 4394

Max Elixir ID 4391

Max Ether ID 4389

Max Potion ID 4387

Hyper Potion ID 4386

Super Potion ID 4385

Potion ID 4384

Ether ID 4388

Elixer ID 4390

Full Restore ID 4392

Evolution Stones
Fire Stone ID 4401

Water Stone ID 4402

Moon Stone ID 4403 

Thunder Stone ID 4404

Leaf Stone ID 4405

Sun Stone ID 4406

Skull Fossil ID 4333

Armor Fossil ID 4334

Cover Fossil ID 4335

Old Amber ID 4330
<- Added!

Plume Fossil ID 4336

Claw Fossil ID 4332

Root Fossil ID 4331

Helix Fossil ID 4328

Fossil ID 181 (Good For a Random Fossil)

Pixelmon Tools/Armor
Aluminium Sword ID 4421

Aluminium  Axe ID 4422

Aluminium Pickaxe ID 4424

Aluminium Hoe ID 4425

Aluminium Shovel ID 4423

Aluminium Hammer ID 4418

Aluminium Ingot ID 4419

Aluminium Plate ID 4420

Aluminium Helmet ID 4426

Aluminium ChestPlate ID 4427

Aluminium Leggings/Pants ID 4428

Aluminium Boots ID 4429

- Hone Claws ID 4221 (Dark)
- Wide Guard ID 4222 (Fighting)(Rock)
- Dragon Claw ID 4223 (Dragon)
- Psyshock ID 4224 (Psychic)
- Calm Mind ID 4225 (Psychic)
- Roar ID 4226 (Normal)
- Toxic ID 4227 (Poison)(Grass)
- Hail ID 4228 (Ice)
- Bulk Up ID 4229 (Fighting)
- Venoshock ID 4230 (Grass)
- Hidden Power ID 4231 (Normal)
- Sunny Day ID 4323 (Fire)
- Taunt ID 4233 (Dark)
- Ice Beam ID 4234 (Ice)
- Blizzard ID 4235 (Ice)
- Hyper Beam ID 4236 (Normal)
- Light Screen ID 4237 (Psychic)
- Protect ID 4238 (Normal)
- Rain Dance ID 4239 (Water)
- Telekinesis ID 4240 (Psychic)
- Safeguard ID 4241 (Normal)
- Frustration ID 4242 (Normal)
- SolarBeam ID 4243 (Grass)
- Smack Down ID 4244 (Fighting) (Rock)
- Thunderbolt ID 4245 (Electric)
- Thunder ID 4246 (Electric)
- Earthquake ID 4247 (Ground)
- Return ID 4248 (Normal)
- Dig ID 4249 (Ground)
- Psychic ID 4250 (Psychic)
- Shadow Ball ID 4251 (Dark)
- Brick Break ID 4252 (Fighting)
- Double Team ID 4253 (Normal)
- Reflect ID 4254 (Psychic)
- Sludge Wave ID 4255 (Poison)(Grass)
- Flamethrower ID 4256 (Fire)
- Sludge Bomb ID 4257 (Poison)(Grass)
- Sandstorm ID 4258 (Rock)
- Fire Blast ID 4259 (Fire)
- Rock Tomb ID 4260 (Rock)
- Aerial Ace ID 4261 (Flying)
- Torment ID 4262 (Dark)
- Facade ID 4263 (Normal)
- Flame Charge ID 4264 (Fire)
- Rest ID 4265 (Psychic)
- Attract ID 4266 (Normal)
- Thief ID 4267 (Dark)
- Low Sweep ID 4268 (Fighting)
- Round ID 4269 (Normal)
- Echoed Voice ID 4270 (Normal)
- Overheat ID 4271 (Fire)
- Ally Switch ID 4272 (Psychic)
- Focus Blast ID 4273 (Fighting)
- Energy Ball ID 4274 (Grass)
- False Swipe ID 4275 (Normal)
- Scald ID 4276 (Water)
- Fling ID 4277 (Dark)
- Charge Beam ID 4278 (Electric)
- Sky Drop ID 4279 (Flying)
- Incinerate ID 4280 (Fire)
- Quash ID 11316 (Dark)
- Will-O-Wisp ID 11317 (Fire)
- Acrobatics ID 4283 (Flying)
- Embargo ID 4284 (Dark)
- Explosion ID 4285 (Normal)
- Shadow Claw ID 4286 (Dark)
- Payback ID 4287 (Dark)
- Retaliate ID 4288 (Normal)
- Giga Impact ID 4289 (Normal)
- Rock Polish ID 4290 (Rock)
- Flash ID 4291 (Normal)
- Stone Edge ID 4292 (Rock)
- Volt Switch ID 4293 (Electric)
- Thunder Wave ID 4294 (Electric)
- Gyro Ball ID 4295 (Normal)
- Swords Dance ID 4296 (Normal)
- Struggle bug ID 4297 (Bug)
- Psych Up ID 4298 (Normal)
- Bulldoze ID 4299 (Ground)
- Frost Breath ID 4300 (Ice)
- Rock Slide ID 4301 (Rock)
- X-Scissor ID 4302 (Bug)
- Dragon Tail ID 4303 (Dragon)
- Work Up ID 4304 (Normal)
- Poison Jab ID 4305 (Poison)(Grass)
- Dream Eater ID 4306 (Psychic)
- Grass Knot ID 4307 (Grass)
- Swagger ID 4308 (Normal)
- Pluck ID 4309 (Flying)
- U-Turn ID 4310 (Bug)
- Substitute ID 4311 (Normal)
- Flash Cannon ID 4312 (Normal)
- Trick Room ID 4313 (Psychic)
- Wild Charge ID 4314 (Electric)
- Rock Smash ID 4315 (Rock)
- Snarl ID 4316 (Dark)
- Cut ID 4317 (Normal)
- Fly ID 4318 (Flying)
- Surf ID 4319 (Water)
- Strength ID 4320 (Normal)
- Defog ID 4321 (Normal)
- Rock Smash ID 4315 (Rock)
- Waterfall ID 4323 (Water)
- Rock Climb ID 4324 (Rock)(Normal)
- Whirlpool ID 4325 (Water)
- Dive ID 4326 (Water)

- Red Apricorn ID 4171

- Yellow Apricorn ID 4170

- Pink Apricorn ID 4167

- White Apricorn ID 4166

- Black Apricorn ID 4165

- Green Apricorn ID 4168

- Blue Apricorn ID 4169

Cooked Apricorns
- Red Cooked Apricorn ID 4178

- White Cooked Apricorn ID 4173

- Yellow Cooked Apricorn ID 4177

- Blue Cooked Apricorn ID 4176

- Black Cooked Apricorn ID  4172

- Pink Cooked Apricorn ID 4174

- Green Cooked Apricorn ID 4175

Orbs  (Added)
- Orb ID 4440 (Plain Orb)

- Orb Of Fiery Souls ID 4443

- Orb Of Static Souls ID 4442 

- Orb Of Frozen Souls ID 4441 

- Orb Of Fiery Souls (Full Orb) ID 4443:400

- Orb Of Static Souls (Full Orb) ID 4442:400

- Orb Of Frozen Souls (Full Orb) ID 4441:400

3 Update Logs

Finished : by red0fireus 07/04/2014 9:16:10 pmJul 4th, 2014

I decided to finish the blog because im leaving on V.A.C so there :P

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01/12/2015 1:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Benjiii66's Avatar
Is there somewhere with an updated list?
01/09/2015 1:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ruthless0ne's Avatar
Whats the command to give these items to a particular player? Can't figure it out. 

Am I missing a plugin or Mod perhaps?
01/09/2015 4:42 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai
red0fireus's Avatar
You just need essentials. These are still for only the old pixelmon. I have not had time to make the new ID's Updated. I might do it this summer i dont really know.
10/18/2014 8:45 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai
red0fireus's Avatar
These have not been updated in some time due to pixelmons constant updating.
10/18/2014 12:37 am
Level 23 : Expert Prince
Lightning0065's Avatar
I tryed all the ids but none of them works.
09/22/2014 7:23 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Senpai
red0fireus's Avatar
Nothing i can do about it i will update it when i have spare time item ids are changing way to much for me to keep up.
09/22/2014 6:20 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
AgileCoast1's Avatar
this is out dtated and most of the item id numbers have changed
09/13/2014 6:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Modernsilver1's Avatar
Error found: Burn heal and Revive have the same id
08/15/2014 12:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GlitchinGaming's Avatar
Your So Frikin Awesome!!!
07/02/2014 4:33 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
WOAHHHHHHHH your ... sooo... awsome...
