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Post Apocalyptic World (NO longer updated)

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RoyalMooshroom's Avatar RoyalMooshroom
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Hey guys RoyalMooshroom here! Are you a good builder? Can you build medevil AND modern buildings? If yes, then i have got a job for you! 

The Story
It started when i wanted to make a airship, pvp, factions server. Then i decided to add tons of lore and make it a roleplaying/lore server also! So i decided that the story would be that a apocalypse happend and ruined the entire world! It destoryed so much that it reverted humanity back to the medevil times, yet there still was quite a bit of technology. I got the idea from adventure time, dont judge ^_^.
I do have a fully custom earth map, It has all the continents, i just need buildings!

If you can also make custom plugins that will be greatly appreciated.

IGN is not needed to be told

Lastly, if you do help build, you will be rewarded with 2 choices, 1 you can become a normal player, BUT have a custom made, protected home, or you can stay being a server builder and help build when ever you have time.
How to join
Follow this set up and apply to join

Age: (required, must be older than 11)
Skype: (i would love it if you had it, but not required, If accepted, PM your skype.)
Hamachi: (required) 
Here are some questions you need to answer
Why do you want to help me?
Have you ever been a server builder?
Do you grief?
Is cake a lie?
Can you speak english
If not, can you type english?
Thank you in advance for reading this fourm and i hope some of you will help me out!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by RoyalMooshroom 05/18/2014 4:40:35 pmMay 18th, 2014

A bit of grammer changes

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05/18/2014 4:59 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
Colocci_Boys's Avatar
Age: (required, must be older than 11) Yes im 12 (2 months to 13)
Skype: (i would love it if you had it, but not required)Yea,but got bad Mic 
Hamachi: (required)  Yes
Here are some questions you need to answer 
Why do you want to help me? I love Rp's and would like to have some Fun :D
Have you ever been a server builder?Yes 
Do you grief? Nope
Is cake a lie? THE CAKE IS A LIE :P -GlaDos
05/18/2014 5:04 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
RoyalMooshroom's Avatar
Accepted! I will need you to PM me your skype
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