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Level 20 : Expert Pokémon
Ranks, we love em; we hate em. Now, ranks are a good system of rewarding someone. It shows that, say, some random child isn't as good as someone who's been on this site for years. It also serves as motivation. Like me, I'm trying desperately to rank up (6 XP left!(at that time)), it motivates me to post my best maps, blogs, etc.

However, some people loathe the ranks. It is sometimes seen as a disadvantage, being a "New Miner". Let's see... "Prison Break" by a Grand Master or "Jail Escape" by a New Miner? Most of the time, the rank does in fact reflect the quality of work. However, this is an exception. Some say that XP should be easier to gain. Well, then that defeats the whole purpose! If it was easier to get to Elite, then Elite wouldn't be special. Do you see the problem?

If the entire site was Grandmasters and Elites, no ranks would be necessary at all. My point is, (for those of you who do) stop complaining and put some effort into your work. Ranks take time to achieve, and that's what makes it worth it.

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10/13/2012 7:59 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
10/14/2012 11:54 am
Level 20 : Expert Pokémon
Thank you for the feedback and diamond.
I'm glad someone definitely enjoyed this blog and/or thought this blog was a good subject.
09/02/2012 12:01 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
I couldn't agree more, personally, I don't really care about the ranks. You see, today someone might be new, but tomorrow, they could be the most well known person on the site (figuratively speaking).
I rate someone by how good their work is, not how others say they are.
09/02/2012 12:18 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pokémon
Thanks for the comment!
Its good to hear that there are people who actually judge the posts, not just the user.
