This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

Minecraft Blogs / Review

Realism Minedea Idea #14 place :D

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Mechanic77's Avatar Mechanic77
Level 40 : Master Skinner
Hello! and welcome back guys to another blog, this blog is for the Minedeas Contest. I know it is a bit late by I tried to put as much effort as possible. Also I had to put the text into Spoilers because it was almost 1000 words and big pictures.

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1. Introduction

2. Contents

3. Another Introduction

3. What is this mod?

4. How would it improve Minecraft?

5. Physics Side of things

6. Blocks/Items in-Depth

7. Crafting recipes

8. What has to go sadly

9. Conclusion

10. Extra

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Sleeping: Sleeping is important; the side effects can be nausea (One day) Hurting (One+ days). You can go one Minecraft day until you have to sleep; to know when you have to sleep a bed symbol appears on your screen.

Thirst: Drinking water will hydrate you so you dono t die of thirst. Like the sleep bar the o Hydration Baro will last for one Minecraft day and when low you start getting hurt like you would if you were drowning. The "Hydration Bar" is shown by water droplets the lower the gets the less hydrated you are.

Weight: Another implement would be the o Weight Baro this bar would determine how fast/slow you are. Eating too much will cause you to move slower then visa versa. Also the armour you wear increases the weight causing you to go slower as well. The Weight Bar is represented by Iron Ingots (More is heavy, less is light).

Falling Blocks: The blocks with gravity Gravel, Sand and the newly added Anvils from a high fall will kill you because E = mc2. Anvils already kill you.

3x3 Inventory crafting: The crafting space will be increased by 3x3 BUT it will only let you craft o Stone Toolso (Prehistoric version).

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Rocks: Rocks generate randomly across the land, most likely along beaches. The appearance of a rock is exactly like the o Dragon Eggo in model but like o Stoneo in texture. The rock can be picked up by right clicking it. Once you right click it, you would have obtained a o Rocko , you can then left click that rock in your hand on other rocks on the ground causing it to become a o Sharp Rocko .

Rockpng Rock *Block* Rockpng Rock *Item* SharpRockpngSharp Rock

Sticks/Vines: Trees now spawn with branches and vines. The branches you can right click to obtain a o Sticko which can be used in crafting. The vines can also be obtained by being right clicked, the vines then can be used to make o Stone Toolso .

Stone tools: Stone tools would change to the prehistoric way of making a Stone tool. Later on it the game it is possible to craft o Advanced Stone Toolso which is greater in every aspect than the prehistoric way of crafting it.

Materials: The materials mostly consist of the materials on the famous o Periodic Tableo .


Moulds: These Moulds are used for Blacksmith purposes Example making Iron Tools, Gold Tools etc. When you hold the mould your character holds it like if he was holding a map. The mould holds the liquid state of Gold and Iron.

Slack Tub: Like the Cauldron the Slack Tub holds water, it is used to quench the metal after it has been in a forge.

Forge: The forge is used when making Iron/Gold tools. It heats up the Metal until it is in a liquid state. The GUI of the forge is exactly the same but the only difference is it has to have a o Mouldo in the slot on the right like so.


Drink Bottles: Drink bottles will hold water like a o Water Bottleo . These drink bottles also come in every dye colour so it is also stylish who knows it might even match your shoes. WARNING: NEVER CRAFT YOUR WIFE A DRINK BOTTLE YOU MIGHT CHOOSE THE WRONG COLOUR AND IT WONo T MATCH WITH HER ARMOUR!

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Click to reveal

Removed: Stone drops Cobblestone.

Removed: Crafting Iron tools in Crafting Table.

Removed: Wooden tools.

Removed: Normal way of crafting Stone tools.

Removed: Crafting in Inventory (unless it is an Prehistoric Stone tools).

Removed: Crafting Sticks.

Removed: Herobrine.

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You dono t need realism Texture Pack to make Minecraft more real it requires a Mod.

Thanks for reading if you like my idea please


Also I thought that the realism was my idea but I guess it is such a basic idea so many people have thought of it.

P.S Check out this other Minedeas Idea it is an awesome idea.

Also thanks so much to Fiskfille this Idea has been brought to life :D
Click Here to check it out!

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01/07/2017 9:54 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
SMeijers's Avatar
I would like to add 1 thing to this. I would love to see much more blocks in Minecraft for building. Very important would be vertical slabs. I think marble, plastic, different kind of glass, leather, all kind of other stones, new forms of wood. Also I would suggest re-texturing blocks like glass, wood, bricks, diorite, andesite and a lot of other blocks. Also, it would be amazing to see more interior things added like benches, chairs, tables, clocks, shelves, fireplaces. Also I would love to be able to paint walls, you could make paint by mixing dye and water, and than you could get for example 5 paint, which allows you to paint 5 blocks into the colour of the dye, it will only paint 1 side of the block, so you could have bricks on the outside, and white paint on the inside for example
07/06/2014 5:50 pm
Level 97 : Overlord Fish
FiskFille's Avatar
Hey, I just wanted to inform you about that I'm making a second attempt on this mod, since I am now a lot better at modding with more than one and a half year of programming experience.
01/07/2017 9:47 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
SMeijers's Avatar
How did it go?(-:
01/07/2017 10:42 pm
Level 97 : Overlord Fish
FiskFille's Avatar
Hoo boy, we don't talk about that one... xD
05/12/2014 9:38 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Programmer
Luigi888's Avatar
E = mc² has nothing to do with falling blocks. That formula means Energy = mass * speed of light² It's what is used in nuclear weapons...
07/02/2015 3:44 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
TheRedCrafter344's Avatar
Perhaps he said it for fun...
02/11/2013 3:24 pm
Level 97 : Overlord Fish
FiskFille's Avatar
Could you imagine! You're actually amoung the top 20! And i did a mod based off your idea before the contest started judging! :D Would you mind checking out the mod to see how well done i created your idea? ;D
02/12/2013 1:23 am
Level 40 : Master Skinner
Mechanic77's Avatar
Awesome job man, Thanks so much :D also I added you to the description.
02/12/2013 8:34 am
Level 97 : Overlord Fish
FiskFille's Avatar
Thanks man! Also, if you didn't know, i added your name in the credits of the mod when i uploaded it! And an update is coming pretty soon! Btw, awesome detail!
02/13/2013 1:43 am
Level 40 : Master Skinner
Mechanic77's Avatar
Yea I saw the credits :p I am looking forward to the mod!
