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Realms: Should I buy one?

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Level 36 : Artisan Spleefer
Realms: Should I buy one?

So, you want or are thinking about buying a realms, I am here as someone who has purchased and is using a realm at the moment to give you steps and guidance. I will cover a couple of major factors within the blog.

Note: Features may change after the time this blog has been posted.

Costs and Monthly Fees:

Minecraft realms will sting your e-wallet for $10.40 USD or more depending on your plan option. There are currently now 4 plan options to choose from, I will go over each of them.

Monthly Charge:
-30 Days worth of Minecraft Realms
-20% off the monthly charge.
-Each month you are changed a fee to keep running your server.
-Current have found no way of turning off the automatic subscribtion fee, so you may not want to use this at the moment.
-With 20% off the overall cost per month is $10.40 USD.

My Opinion: At this time I would not settle for this plan until it is changed or if you think Minecraft Realms is what you want to use in a long run and are comfortable with using a monthly subscription fee.

One Month:
-30 Days worth of Minecraft Realms
-0% off the charge.
-One off charge.
-You can reactivate your realm after your 30 days by manually extending it.
-Costs $13 USD.

My Opinion: At this time, I beilive it is the best offered deal for someone who just wants to try out and see what Minecraft Realms is like if you don't have a friend who owns one.

Three Months:
-90 Days worth of Minecraft Realms
-10% off the charge.
-One off charge.
-You can reactivate your realm after your 90 days by manually extending it.
-Costs $35 USD.

My Opinion: I would buy this if you think Minecraft Realms is what you want to use in a long run and don't want to use a monthly subscription fee.

Six Months:
-180 Days worth of Minecraft Realms

-20% off the charge.
-One off charge.
-You can reactivate your realm after your 180 days by manually extending it.
-Costs $62 USD.

My Opinion: I would buy this if you think Minecraft Realms is what you want to use in a long run and don't want to use a monthly subscription fee.


If you are someone the needs bukkit plugins, or mods with their server, DO NOT at this time buy Minecraft Realms because right now there is no way adding any plugins to your Realm. If you are happy with all the vanilla comands and normal Minecraft features then you should be fine. This means, no setting spawn unless you are good with comand blocks.

One thing which I like about Minecraft Realms is that you can download and upload worlds from your singleplayer worlds file. So Minecraft Realms is useful for Youtubers in this way, not only it being a private server who you can choose to join that you can also upload any world you want if you are making a Minigame or Adventure series using an already exisiting map.

There is a maximum or players able to join and players you can put on your whitelist. The maximum of those on a realm at the same time is 10 players. The maximum of those you can put on your whitelist is 20 players. So this is not for players who have a lot of friends or who want to run a large vanilla server through realms.

The configure controls are actually pretty simple and easy to use.
Realms: Should I buy one?

Thank you for reading this and hopefully you can consider to buy a MC Realm in the fututre.
CreditCooltext, Mojang, Minecraft Realms

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07/06/2014 12:09 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Farmer
No, just get a server from ProMinecraftHost and get a server for 50% off using a promo code. The cheapest package you would get (using the promo code) is $3.50 for a 512 MB.
07/06/2014 12:10 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Farmer
Better then a laggy realm. Plus this is not advertisment, just trying to help someone out :)
07/12/2014 9:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Realms arnt that laggy as i have purchesed one myself 4 mounths ago
07/06/2014 12:22 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Cake
