Minecraft Blogs / Review

Review on Faithful texture pack

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Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
Ok so i thought i would do a thing where i would post a review on a texture pack, so today were gonna be doing faithful

i personally use this texture pack and it is great pack  that it is a great one for poeple who dont wanna go to crazy of a pack basically what this pack does is it takes the normal resourece pack and makes it look even better with [instead of the 16 normal pixels] 32 pixels so if you look at the image above you can really see the differance. i dont know what it is about it it fells... im not sure more calming but yeah. you can also see alot of youtubers useing this. so all in all if you want a more detailed minecraft experiance than you should probably use this one, and  ill leave a link for the texture pack below.

so hopefully you guys enjoy if you want me to review another one leave a comment or a diamond
and have a good day guys :)

Faithful [url=www.(Ad link removed)faithful/]www.(Ad link removed)faithful/[/url]

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10/12/2019 9:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
its only for 1.8
11/19/2015 9:09 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
Sorry guys but the link was removed go to minecrafttexturepacks.com and it should be on like the 1st 2nd or 3rd page sorry about that
