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sad lost contest

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frozenone's Avatar frozenone
Level 30 : Artisan Caveman
it whould seem the skin contest is over and i looekd through them and did nto see my skin sure it was nto scary but i tryed i had to use crapy skin edit and ive been planning on gettign another skin creator tool but alas i hope the top 99 (it doesn't show the 100th)winners are proud :( adn also i do beleive that some modders are beginning to spam the mod section (no offense dimonddd3) but lots of incomplete mods (seriously no offense dimonddd3) that are not generating properly are cannot be crafted are being posted on here and i look for quallity ones i know will be good or know are good that work (no offense dimonddd3) yet all of the new mods i saw when i got on a few mins ago are incomplete (resonomible coding is hard and takes tiem) or are crappy one thing done a thousand times already (not pointign any fingers) (nto you dimonddd3) and i serriously am gettign tired of incomplete crap spamming my eyebalsl when i try finding mods i think are worth installing liek dropncraft was when it was out during 1.7 and since people imitate thigns liek it or post pictures of it to give you a virus or to hide a hack/cheet mod but whatever i can not do anythign about it
Creditbullshit no one

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11/05/2011 9:15 pm
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
Ninjadude1998's Avatar
First things first before you start raging at people, LEARN PROPER GRAMMAR!
11/05/2011 9:26 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Caveman
frozenone's Avatar
how the hell do you think i am raging at people i even congradulated them and why are you going through liek athousand thinsg just to freakign troll me for bullcrap nothing
11/05/2011 9:55 pm
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
Ninjadude1998's Avatar
Grammar is the main thing here, plus, saying your NOT pointing fingers at anyone but mentioning diamond333 about several times is kinda raging
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