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/seed and chunkbase

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Skyman4444's Avatar Skyman4444
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Why does /seed give me a string of numbers even though I used only letters when typing my seed originally? Also does chunkbase not work at all? Because it seems to be not working whatsoever for me. I typed fancymustache (the seed i typed) and it was terribly immature to the world I'm actually in. Then I did /seed just to check. And it was (-1402010639) so I tried that even though I was confused and chunk base was still wildly innacurate. Chunkbase says its updated for 1.14, and I made sure it was set to "java windows 10 1.14" or whatever it says. Also I tried to open my file folders and they didn't want to open and I ended up replacing them with internet explorer and notebook? Idk I hope I didn't ruin everything. I'm really confused right now. I don't want to use mine atlas BC I worry it'll be even less accurate since they don't seem to think its a priority to update after 1.8 which is also the last time I can see anyone talking about where to find ur seed. Because it isn't in f3 anymore for whatever reason.

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06/18/2019 1:51 am
Level 42 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
/seed returns the value of the seed the game actually uses ("If a word/phrase is used it will be converted into a 32 bit integer. " from https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Seed_%28level_generation%29#World_generation see also https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Seed_%28level_generation%29#Java_Edition if you're interested in some technical expansion of this.)

https://chunkbase.com/apps/biome-finder has been shown to be accurate for at least the earlier versions of 1.14 (1.14.x added no biomes since the bamboo jungles of 1.14.0, so world gen should not have changed again… )

As an alternative external mapping utility, you might try amidst [ https://github.com/toolbox4minecraft/amidst requires download ]
