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Server communities and what you should know about them.

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Megaflare4's Avatar Megaflare4
Level 7 : Apprentice Warrior
So, If you are a 90% server player like me, you know much about a server community. and what it has to be to be a communty. So in this blogg im going to talk about things you should know and normal community info.

1. Who is a big part of the community?

As you know, every player on a server has a different personality, Some are easily crying, some take it as it comes, etc.

But who has to be there, to make a community? Im going to start off by showing how most people are in a server community.

The Normal guy.

The normal guy is a player that follows the rules, and just has fun on the server! Most people in a server community is this guy.

The Griefer

If you dont know who a Griefer is, its a player that doesnt follow the rules, annoys other players and what its most popular for: Destroying other peoples builds, This guy is not a good guy, and do NOT turn in to him, if you do, you will probably get banned.

The Teen

The teens in minecraft is kinda a big problem for some of us, The teens have a Normal classic teen looking skin, you may think: Thats normal... Yes, it is but some of these players using the Teen skin are in to something big, Getting boyfriends/girlfriends in minecraft, i really dont understand that, Even though they are nice people, they still are annoying. Why would you fall in LOVE with a square that can walk. Minecraft is not an online dating website.

The emo (Im really just trying to find names here)

This guy, doesnt take ANYTHING, Stop swearing in this server! And the emo reacts like a damn kid that 4 years old.

The High ranks/Admin/Owners

These guys are someone to really look out for. One time i was Swearing a lot in the chat with my friends and not following the rules, But then a High ranker joined the server, We all just shut up in the chat, Teleported to spawn, And just did normal stuff. the high rankers may have possibilities you dont know, like kick and ban, and please, just dot ask for ranks. So treat these guys well.

The Smiley player,

This is the guy with crappy grammar and he uses smileys after each damn sentence. Hell, what an annoying guy.

The noob

The noob is not one to look out for. Some laugh at the noob, but why? He is just new to the server, maybe even minecraft. so treat him well in the server, every server wants good players.

The Helper

The helper is one of the best players a server can have. The helper is a positive player and is nice to each and everyone! Follows the rules like the normal player, But it supports the server HELL a lot! These players are awesome to have in a community! im not saying being a normal player ios bad, well every player i have mentioned is a normal player. But the helpers might get a free rank some day! Who knows?

And i did not say that any of these are bad, well maybe some of the like the griefer. But i dont want to change you. Remember, if you are a party of a small server. Then you are a part of the server. wouldnt you be on that server, the server wouldnt be how awesome it already is. So even if you are a smiley man, a noob or a griefer or a teenager, you all fit well in the community of the server. :)

and there is a lot different players that i havent talked about.

And i think that was some of the players in a server community.

2. How to get ranks WITHOUT donating!

This trick is really good. First of all, you dont need to be donating for ranks, do it to support the server as well.

So, how do i get ranks for free? Well only one answer for that. Treat everyone in the server well. simple right?
This cant happen when: You are an annoying guy/Griefer. or if you have been annoying and THEN become nice, then they understand that you want a rank. So be nice from the start, its not that Hard.
another way is to support the server A LOT, maybe make its own website, donate to support the server!

This is not that hard in a small server, with maybe 30 players on at a time. But in a big server with over 100 players on at a time, its much harder to get noticed.

Hope this small little guide on how to be a good player and stuff AND just normal info about server communities, Helped you! Be sure to diamond and favorite this Blogg! Lets aim for that pop reel mark shall we?
And if you find this a bit mean to players, and that its more negative than postivie. Remember. I didnt add all the players i think is in a community. Im jsut saying, these are some of them.

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02/12/2014 8:59 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Warrior
Megaflare4's Avatar
Thanks you all for the feedback, for me its best to have comments that can tell me what to do better, so i can make the blog better. I also love positive feedback! And thanks for all the support
02/11/2014 4:54 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
TheBazilGamer's Avatar
Well... I agree with this to a point. The last section is what I have the MOST problems with. First of all, donating is a very acceptable thing to do. Keep in mind that servers cost money, and if you really enjoy your server, consider donating if you can. That is the big part, if you can. I know not all people are able to donate because of their access to internet money, their lack of cash, or an ideal that goes against it. Anyone who has looked at running a server is faced with cost, especially if they plan to have a company host it, or do not already have a server computer.

The second thing is you might want to include what type of server guide this is. This is mostly for a free build server with no more than 30 players on at a time, with a few exceptions. I like the categories though, but you forgot one. "The Power Abuser" these are those few admins/mods/high rank players that abuse their power for persistent annoyance. For example, a mod/admin uses /kill for little to no reason, or ignores players because they are "too busy".

Besides those few little things I think this is pretty good. Servers such as these are seemingly becoming less and less abundant. With so many terrain updates the community cannot build up as well as have the latest content to its full extent. More importantly with all these plugins some servers are adding an auto update system, separating the community from the admins/mods even further. And with few donations they have to take money out of their own pocket to run a server for other people. Now that I have my two cents in, I leave you.
02/11/2014 2:30 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
gam3rguy1028's Avatar
i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooooooooooooo bored reading this
02/11/2014 3:06 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
McPexil's Avatar
A server doesn't need more than 10 players to be a "community". The dictionary definition of "community" is "a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common". This means it could be anywhere between 3 and 300 players.

There are a lot more "types" of players than the ones listed here, which seem to just be catergorised by literacy and skin. With the exception of "the griefer", playstyle doesn't appear to come into this very much at all.

I donate to servers I play on for a long time because the server owners need to pay for their servers and they can't get that money through advertisments (like TF2 MOTDs) so they rely on the generosity of their players to fund their server.
02/10/2014 10:04 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Narwhal
KingWood's Avatar
Lesson learned: Everything and everyone on minecraft is terrible, run.
02/10/2014 8:38 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Deletethisaccountt's Avatar
I loved this blog... all except the last part. I run a server that does not have a donation option although I do plan to add one. The thing about donating is minecraft servers cost owner's money... some little and some a a lot. The point of donating is not for any special ranks even if it may seem like that but the point of donating is to help keep your favorite servers up and running because us owners don't have infinite money... so please the next time you're on an amazing server you don't have to donate but please don't question it until you've run your own server for a couple months.
02/12/2014 9:00 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Warrior
Megaflare4's Avatar
Sorry, i did not think about that, i changed it now. But sorry :(
02/10/2014 4:12 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Batman
Tabbin's Avatar
This is brilliant.

  • nuff said
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