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Summoners Guide - Data Tags

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SciTyx's Avatar SciTyx
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Not in the guide? Comment below and I will add it in the guide!

DataTag? What are you on about?

DataTags are NBT Tags which are used to edit conditions, attributes, positions and more for entities/blocks in Minecraft! A DataTag entry in a command can contain many NBT Tags to reach enhancements.

These are a god-sent to mappers and many people who love redstone! You can create bosses, magical swords, freezing effects, invincible mobs and much more possibilities! 
Tags are entered in curly brackets { } 
For example;
{display:{Name:"This is the name"
What is the lore of this?!?!?!?!??!
You can add lores by putting that in the display brackets
[code]{display:{Name:"This is a name",Lore:[This is a lore]}}
As you can see I used a comma to separate the two tags
You used to use semi-colons, but don't now! Use commas!

Also note, the lore tag is in square brackets, this is because its an array;(A set of items(tags) put into one tag); Comma rule also applies in arrays, each item is separated by one.[/code]
Thats because you only entered datatags, you need to turn it into a full command!
For example
[code]/give @p wooden_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:"This is a name",Lore:[This is a lore]}}

@p Means the closest player
Note, if you're using 1.8, you write the item name(Spaces as underscores)
If you're using 1.7.10 or less, you use the ID which for a wooden sword would be 268

1 means the amount of the item, for a sword this would be 1
0 is the damage value, OP SWORDS COMING YOUR WAY!

Ench(short for enchantment) is used to specify enchantments

The enchantments are in ID form, such as 16 being sharpness
A list can be found [url=http://www.planetminecraft.com/account/manage/blogs/item/new/%7Bench:%7Bid:16,lvl:2%7D]%7D]here

[/url]So we can use this for a sword,

/give @p wooden_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}

What if I want it to be named?

Just bind both together!
(This only works with a command block, its too big for the chat)

/give @p wooden_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:"This is a name",Lore:[This is a Lore]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}

[b]REMEMBER: Finish it with a final bracket! }[/b]
Multi-Bio-Nuclear-Photonic-Thermo-Ribonucleic Enchantments!

Multiple enchantments are easy!

/give @p wooden_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:1},{id:21,lvl:1},{id:17,lvl:1}]}

That would give a Wooden Sword with three enchantments, Sharpness, Looting and Smite!

Each enchantment has its own brackets,
Sort of remember it as a scroll in a library

Ench is the section is comes under

[    ] is the bookshelf

{id:16,lvl:1} is the scroll!

You know, I'm mad ;P

This is like the level 80 dragon bit...


[code]give @p wooden_sword 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attackDamage",Name:"generic.attackDamage",Amount:50,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:894654,UUIDMost:2872}]}

Hopefully this isn't the first tutorial you're reading, it gets complicated,
The tags 'Amount' and 'Operation' specify the way to add or multiple (Operation:1 to multiply) the attribute

'AttributeName:' is used to show which attribute to use (generic.attackDamage)
so the damage is changed to +50

This is the hard end of easy, I don't even really understand 'UUIDLeast' so you best just go along with it, like when
Justin Beiber is played in a party.

All of these tags fall under the 'AttributeModifiers:[ ]' tag

Putting it to action!
So now you know the basics of making the weapons, now is the time to roll them out and equiping mobs with them!
/summon Skeleton ~ ~ ~

"~" represents your current location, so if you did,
/summon Skeleton 123 ~ 456
a Skeleton would spawn at X: 123 Y:(Relative to you) Z: 456

But this sucks a bit.

Lets buff him up,
[code]/summon Skeleton ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:268},{id:301},{id:300},{id:299},{id:298}]}[/code]

Now he has full leather armour, and a diamond sword!
'Equipment' is a compound tag. This means you can wrap tags in it.

The equipment goes in the order of boots → helmet although weapons/tools are always first.
Taking it a step further
You can also spawn mobs with potion effects.
[code]/summon Skeleton {ActiveEffects:[{Id:1,Amplifier:1,Duration:10,Ambient:1}]} [/code]
This will spawn a skeleton with speed 1 for 10 seconds.
You can find a list of potion IDs here: [url=http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Potion_effects]http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Potion_effects[/url]
Amplifier is the level off the effect such as Speed 1, 2 and 3 (Speed one would be 'Amplifier:1' NOT 'Amplifier:0')
Duration means the time in ticks. If you set a value higher than 32167 your game may crash, but no worries, there are 20 seconds in one tick which means its roughly 34 days until the effect runs out.
Ambient is how the particles are seen. It is a boolean so you can only have 0 or 1 as an option. 1 would be harder to see particles where as 0 would be visible particles.

This would spawn an invisible skeleton with less particles (The spirals which come out of your legs)
[code][/code][code]/summon Skeleton ~ ~ ~ {ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:32167,Ambient:1}]}[/code]

You can also add effects to mounted mobs,
[code][/code][code]/summon Skeleton ~ ~ ~ {Riding:{id:"Zombie",ActiveEffects:[{Id:10,Amplifier:1,Duration:200,Ambient:0}]}}

But note, the 'Id' in the 'ActiveEffects' tag must have a capitalized 'I' but a lower-case 'd' where as the 'id' in the 'Riding' tag should be lower-case.

Thanks for reading, I hope you understand these tags now, if you dont, there is a really easy website which generates the commands for you! http://www.minecraftupdates.com/summon-command
I will do more of these guides if you guys are liking them(Not by diamond, but by saying c:)

Creditminihilly, the guy I learnt this from.

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10/29/2014 11:02 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
PukedOutKiwi's Avatar
Black Mage :P
10/29/2014 11:16 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
SciTyx's Avatar
10/29/2014 9:24 am
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
awesomeman29's Avatar
Summon? it's more like item datatags.
10/29/2014 10:52 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
SciTyx's Avatar
Ahh jeez, thanks for reminding me. I forgot to put how you summon the mobs with the weapons/armour XD Thanks for reminding me, editing right now.
10/30/2014 6:28 am
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
awesomeman29's Avatar
Try to add a "Mobs on mobs" section where you teach everything about the Riding: tag and more dataTags!
10/30/2014 11:56 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
SciTyx's Avatar
I'm working on a new guide. Its going to have all about jockeys, tnt , but mainly based on cool stuff to add in adventuremaps. I'm also going to create a tutorial on using NBTExplorer to edit DataTags of existing mobs, creating mobs via NBTExplorer and custom villager trades.
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