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Ten books you must read

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Preselier's Avatar Preselier
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Reading is something that is often lost in today's society. When we are offered the illustrious extravagances of television and video games, we often forget the importance of reading. So I have decided to compile a list of ten books that everyone should read. This is in no particular order.

10. The Odyssey- Homer
A fantastic book/ poem collecting almost every Greek myth and legend. It really is the first place to go if you want to know where these myths came from.

9. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes- Arthur Conan Doyle
Book four in the ultimate detective series, and is the best in my opinion to the world of Holmes.It consists of twelve brilliant short stories by Conan Doyle, and is a really easy read.

8. Hamlet- William Shakespeare
My personal favorite Shakespeare play, deals with a grief stricken Prince. A real insight into what the mind of a mad man could look like and is enthralling from the very begining.

7. The Hobbit- J.R.R. Tolkein
The prequal to the Lord of the Rings series, and tells of the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. It is such an exciting storyand is great for almost all ages. If you plan on reading the Lord of the Rings series, then start with this one!

6. 1984- George Orwell
A book for some of the older members on PMC. A very thoughtprovoking book on a dystopian future (past to us, future when it was published). Here lie the origins of Room 101 and Big Brother. A very chilling storyline and setting, with a marvelously crafted universe.

5. Harry Potter- J.K. Rowling
Any of them will do, they're all fantastic. An incredibly well thoughtout story line and a magical universe with every detail addressed. These contain some of my favorite books of all time, and are targeted generally towards younger readers, however it is more than possible to get into them as a teenager or adult.

4. A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens
Worth reading just for the chapter long descriptions, which are so fluid and detailed. A good story line, mixed with amazing descriptions is a recipe for any good novel, let alone a Dickens novel.

3. Lord of the Flies- William Golding
Another chilling tale here, this time about the behaviour of a group of children stranded on an island. It shows their hange in behaviour as time goes on, and their maddening pursuit of the beast.

2. The War of the Worlds- H.G. Wells
One of the first books that deals with an alien encounter, this book is incredibly realistic. When it was broadcasted on the radio, people living near the setting of it thought that they could hear the gun shots and see smoke.

1. The Chronicals of Narnia- C.S. Lewis
Once again, an incredibly immersive universe set over seven differant books, each with a new story. Fantastic for children, and great for older readers.

I hope you have enjoyed my first blog and remember to diamond, favorite and subscribe for more!

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