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The Daily Mine #5 (Dedicated to Kyle_Crafty) Herobrine is fake..

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pkpure223's Avatar pkpure223
Level 50 : Grandmaster Baconator
Hello people of the internet, this isn't going to be like the rest of mine because of this one epic ass dude...
why you may ask because he posted a post on here about herobrine being fake, look his name up and go read it there.
Notch said him self in a video stating herobrine was a hoax, if you don't know wtf a hoax is, go look it the fuck up (it means not real) so yea seriously
STFU about herobrine, and go check Kyle_Crafty up for posting this, hes a smart guy...

I'll post regularly in issue 6, but just have to say herobrine is indeed fake.

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09/09/2011 3:54 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Unicorn
Kyle_Crafty's Avatar
Ok well. Now I need to see the rest of your stuff! *subbed* Thanks for the compliments too! :D
09/07/2011 4:59 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar

let people think hes real if they want too...........just dont listen to them.........just pre-tend that they're wrong and your right.....*Pre-tend your talking to them.*
09/07/2011 9:48 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Baconator
pkpure223's Avatar
but it makes me pissed of at times, like just get the hell over it he isn't real GAWD
09/08/2011 5:01 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar

"Fighting over something in a game leads people to nowhere but more fighting"
