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Life! Adapting from Minecraft and other Games!

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Hatwhale's Avatar Hatwhale
Level 30 : Artisan Sailor
***Blog Currently Unfinished!***
Please give criticism!

Soon to come:
-Blog Art.
-Additional Survival Tips.
-More sections, Including jobs, resources, Law.
-Neatening Everything up.
-Spell Checks.
-MORE things to do with Minecraft.
-Other checks. I don't want more Hate mail.

Tutorial for Life for your average Minecrafter

The Game of "Life" can seem terrifying and saddening to gamers of any level, especially after dedicating your recent days, months or even years to a game like Minecraft, however we all must leave our blocky reality behind at one point and start playing along with everyone else. This transition from the idyllic world of Minecraft often leaves people who re join life confused and often afflicted with amnesia. This guide is designed to counteract this and provide helpful tips for coming back to the game you have forgotten about.

Getting used to "Life"

Upon re-entering "Life", you will notice that many things, These sections are split up into key segments of the game.

The Basics
  • Why does everything look so weird?

-You are surrounded by matter, which uses Light to help you see your surroundings and is powered by Reality. Imagine it as the textures used for "Life" except with a much higher resolution.(
o x
o as opposed to 16 x 16)
  • Where am I? This place is Unfamiliar!

- You are most likely in the last place you went to before logging out of "Life" and playing Minecraft. Common areas for logging back in include:
* Bedrooms
* Offices
* Psychiatric Wards/ Hospitals In general.

Occasional errors occur whilst returning to "Life". These can often be noticed by peculiar login areas such as:
* Graves
* Urns
* Autopsy Tables
* The dark, shapeless voids of Oblivion
* Hell/Heaven

These locations are meant to be locked until later on in "Life" (More specifically, the final chapters of the game, as well as the "After Life" expansion packs) If you should find yourself located in any of these locations prematurely , try turning off "Life" and rebooting.

  • How long does "Life" usually last?

-"Life" has on average an astonishing 704 771 hours of gameplay!
However due to the open nature of the game, this may be extended or shortened with certain actions.

  • What is the point of the game?

-The aim of life varies from person to person. For some it is to gain vast wealth and other riches. For others it may be to be remembered even after the game has ended because of your actions. This is the truly unique feature of "Life", the Infinite possibilities that a player may follow.

  • Where did all these things that are around me come from?

-"Life" is a MMPG, or Mass MultiPlayer Progress Game, It takes the work created by other players before you, or at the same time as you, and adds it to your world. If you do anything, It could be noticed by other players in the future. As well as this, "Life" uses the "Nature" Engine which automatically develops living flora and fauna.

Playing "Life"
  • OK, so I have continued my life from the point where i started playing Minecraft and I have Identified where i am, now what?

-Now it is up to you to choose what to. When you first start "Life" you are given a randomly generated seed. This seed determines who you are, who your family is, where you first log in, what you look like and what environment you start in. Some players are luckier than others and are generated into either safer, more enjoyable or developed areas.

Player 7,053,117,080 may be generated into an affluent sub urban society (Difficulty level 20.1) , where as Player 6,894,996,235 generates in a country stricken by war to an impoverished family (Difficulty level 98.4).

From the end of the tutorial levels, which stops after about 10 years, you will have to follow your own destiny, be it international fame, Infamous tyranny or just a quiet life. Common steps to reaching your goal include Education, jobs or friendship . These can All be achieved through appropriate interaction with people.

  • Woah, Wait up... What are these "People"?

People is the collective name given the collection of NPCs and other Players. These people inhabit the world you live in ad influence your playing of "Life" immensely. People work in the same way as you. These think for themselves, make decisions and have their own conscience.

More information on interaction with people can be found in "Life" strategy guides, or self help books.

  • Anything else i need to know?
-Yes! Life ends when i player reaches "Death". In most cases players want to delay this by as long as possible. This is very similar to Minecraft as the same techniques can be carried over to "Life"

Just like in Minecraft, death occurs whenever a player:
* Is murdered.
* Starves
* Drowns
* Burnt
* Suffocated
As well as many others.

However unlike Minecraft, you are not able to respawn, so make the most of your life. (Unless the "Afterlife" expansion is installed, which grants players more options after death)

-More Bits coming soon. Tomorrow maybe? I Don't know, depends on how busy I am doing things in "Life"

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07/28/2013 10:10 am
Level 20 : Expert Spelunker
malverngroup's Avatar
08/10/2012 11:45 pm
Level 47 : Master Blob
mine_master_3's Avatar
Hello, I love this awesome TUT! Haha! One thing..... The Average lie expectancy in the world right now is 80 years, so, 24hr X 365 X 80 = 700'800 Hours :D In the section on
How long does "Life" usually last you were close. :D
08/05/2012 12:46 am
Level 45 : Master Batman
DrThresh's Avatar
Intriguing. Must beta test this game of "Life".
07/10/2012 8:47 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Giraffe
alanw249's Avatar
cool blog xD
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