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The history of herobrine

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Enderwolf's Avatar Enderwolf
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokémon
For the people who where wondering who herobrine is i got the history right here

the first herobrine screen shot was him in fog,it wasn't popular at first,but then more screen shots came up

then people started making youtube vidios about herobrine to freak a lot of people out,after that toturials to find him
for example the summon with the gold block's,mossy coble,redstone torch,netherrack and flint&steel

other people made vidio's about herobrine's hole thing with redstone torches to bedrock.

in 1.7 notch said that he was removed and also posted that on twitter,i think that was because people were
so anoying about him scaring the crap out of them.

now that the endermen 1 person made a blog about them bieng the servants of herobrine,that was proven wrong
when people said endermen had purple (nether) pupils

in 1.9 pre release there was a new disk called 11,you might of heard of it from the yogscast,
a guy made a vidio about him acting with the same sounds as in the music disk
some people claim the caughing person in the disk is herobrine

my ideas about herobrine are that the npc's will give quests about finding out whats with herobrine and
why did endermen attack him,maybe there will be something to do with the nether and the ender.
the history of herobrine lies in later patches

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05/28/2014 8:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
1nsan3MC's Avatar
dont worry, it isnt real
06/25/2012 3:23 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokémon
Enderwolf's Avatar
Five hundred views :D Most i have had so far
11/02/2011 5:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
bob99's Avatar
yea i dont want to see him ethier
10/15/2011 2:32 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
ot23's Avatar
I must agree and I actually hope I not to encounter herobrine he is just freaky
10/15/2011 1:12 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
goldinferno's Avatar
wow true true true
