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The Joys of Minecraft

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Inky123's Avatar Inky123
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Hey guys! So, today I'm going to be making my first article. I really hope you guys enjoy it. It's going to be all about the joys of Minecraft. Minecraft may sometimes be extremely annoying and result in rage quits, although it can sometimes be very satisfying when you find it's true potential hidden underneath the annoying chunk errors and lag spikes.
So, moving on to the blog. Don't you just love it when you've found diamonds? Don't you? I know you do. And doesn't it just put the cherry on top when you walk straight into lava? No? I thought so. This is one thing that's happened to me a numerous amount of times. Too many times as a matter of fact. I am jumping for joy and spamming the chat box as I continuously write "OMG OMG OMG I found diamonds!!!" in caps. Then I jump straight into lava. Yippee. I once did this on a server while an admin was online. After I 'tried to swim in lava' he remarked "Serves you right for spamming!" after a few seconds after saying "Why are you being so mean? I thought admins were meant to be nice!" I was kicked from the server for being a cry baby. Wow.
One of my favorite things is when I venture far away from my spawn point on single player to find an appropriate place to build my house. Then, when I am out slaying creepers and zombies, a creeper blows me up. I find it unbelievably annoying when 'Your home bed is missing or obstructed." pops up in the chat box. I can almost see it in my head: An obnoxious little version of Notch walking up to me with a cup of steaming coffee in his hand (representing the java logo) and smiling at me, a smug expression on his face. "Oh, silly Inkylinky, you forgot to make a bed! Didn't you know that it would be a good idea to make a bed before you go out to heroically slay my beautiful, blocky creepers? DIDN'T YOU? Oh, I'm sorry, I have to leave now, your stupidity is overwhelming me. I must go take a luxurious bath in my massive Minecraft-themed mansion. Good day to you." Then I imagine him walking away and his little cup of coffee yelling, " Oh, you got her good Notch! You got her good!" *shiver* That nightmare has haunted me for a while now. You probably do not have that same nightmare as me but I am almost sure that you find it annoying when your home bed is missing or obstructed.
Another thing that I adore in Minecraft is when you have a massive lag spike lasting even a couple of minutes. I used to have the worst portable computer in the entire galaxy. When I tried to go on a server, my pathetic computer let me play for about two minutes before it said "Java error blah blah blah pathetic computer blah go get a new one blah blah" I know this was Minecraft slowing the computer down but it was already pretty awful in the first place. I finally got a new Toshiba which is now working a billion times better than my last one.
Now, it is finally time to discuss the real joys of Minecraft. I find it extremely satisfying when you are on a PvP server (Hunger Games server especially) and you manage to kill somebody. I find the most enjoyable way is to sneak up behind them with your best sword and start hitting them. They will obviously turn around and when they do, make sure you have a valuable item in your inventory. Show it off for a second so they are even more willing to kill you. Then, with a final hit, they are dead. EPIC WIN. I have done this a few times on a server and I think it is the most fulfilling feeling on Minecraft multi-player. I also love killing those despicable griefers trying to grief your beloved property. I think the best method is to hide behind one of the walls in your home if you see them coming and just as they enter the door ambush them. I feel epic when one of my T'n'T traps get set off, even if it is a simple pressure plate. That, my friends, is an amazing thing to do.
So, my blog ends here. I hope you enjoyed it! I put quite a lot of effort into this one! Diamond and subscribe if you like my blogs! I did not mean to offend Notch or Java or anybody else! I said an obnoxious version of Notch, meaning not Notch, but a different version of him (duh) I also meant an obnoxious version of Java too :P

I will add a picture to this blog when I get my laptop back!
P.S. I wrote this blog on a really slow PC xP

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09/21/2012 2:22 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Pony
Sparkle565's Avatar
09/22/2012 1:56 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Inky123's Avatar
thanks Sparkle!
09/19/2012 3:44 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
browneyedgirl's Avatar
WOW.....I dont think i could read all that.O_O
09/20/2012 12:16 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Inky123's Avatar
:P LOL. I do have a tendency to write alot xP
09/18/2012 10:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
funhouse12's Avatar
that was soo cool inky ! well done i couldnt write anything as great as that ;P well done :)
09/19/2012 1:26 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
Inky123's Avatar
thankyou so much fun! :D I am really grateful for all the support your giving me. :D
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