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The Next Generation of Planet Minecraft

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OliverFrenchie's Avatar OliverFrenchie
Retired Moderator
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
Hey there guys, OliverFrenchie here with another blog post. This post is going to be about the recent successes throughout Planet Minecraft and why they are so recognisable.

For those of you that haven't seen my blogs before, they usually present a rather odd point of view on a popular argument or they are just well written. Over the past month I've managed to have 7 consecutive blog posts be featured on the mighty 'Popular Reel'. However, I'm not the only member to have had such a fortunate response to my posts...

A few names spring to mind when I think of 'new' or 'upcoming'. The first one being Dollars. An extremely talented skinner who I admire deeply. His skinning is near-perfect and his shading is easily of a professional standard. Why though, are his skins always so popular? Well for one part they are brilliant but for the other part it is because of his activity. He regularly posts and even when conversing with him through private messages he tells me that he is working on the next skin and the next and the next. This devotion and dedication to his subscribers and to the growing community means that people will remember him.

Another person whom has hit success recently is smanrt who is a fellow blogger, easily recognised as a creator of funny and quirky blog posts as well as productive tutorials. His writing methods don't correspond to the conventional 'grammatically perfect with flawless spelling' but they are easy, fun and memorable to read. He again, is someone I have huge respect for. Again, he is consistent.

And (shouldn't start a sentence with and, I know!) then there is me. This is probably the most self-centered thing I've ever done but recently after acquiring a certain presence in the blogging community through controversial posts and opinionated reviews I feel that I may also be part of the new generation. Like I previously mentioned I've had over 7 posts recently on the Popular Reel and members such as ZaphodX have come to notice me, which I've got to say... if you'll pardon my french (get it?!)... feels bloody awesome. I've been aspiring to being someone different through my YouTube videos but when a blog post on here gets more than one of my videos, now that means something.

So there, the next generation of members on Planet Minecraft is arriving (methinks). To me, there seems to be a recurring factor here, staying active. Just because you made a post that got 5,000 views doesn't mean that people will respect and admire you, if you continue to post however then they will admire you.

Thanks for reading. As I am writing this I am on the verge of hitting Level 30, so thanks for that too. If you've enjoyed this post, a Diamond is much appreciated. If you loved this post, give a Favourite and you will get cookies. If you enjoy my content and want to see more then hit that Subscribe button!

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12/27/2012 12:58 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Batman
smanrt's Avatar
Well look at you guys now. Site Mods! Congratz!
08/26/2012 12:24 am
Level 26 : Expert Ninja
Bboby101's Avatar
Oliver you inspired me to make blogs thank you!
08/26/2012 2:05 am
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
OliverFrenchie's Avatar
Thanks :) means a lot!
08/26/2012 2:13 am
Level 26 : Expert Ninja
Bboby101's Avatar
No thank you :)
08/26/2012 12:13 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Musician
xenocides's Avatar
Very well done post. ZaphodX is a good friend of mine is ha worked very hrd for wher he is now. I hope to see in the near future, you in a place a admiration by all our fellow planetmincraft members. This is truely an amazing community we have here, and I'm deeply honored to have another well worded and mature community member. Take care and my deepest wishes.
08/26/2012 2:07 am
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
OliverFrenchie's Avatar
Thank you very much xenocides that really means a lot :) I look forward to it!
08/25/2012 5:51 pm
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal
Wees74's Avatar
FINALLY, a blog post NOT complaining about how planetminecraft has a failing a community...!
08/26/2012 2:05 am
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
OliverFrenchie's Avatar
I thought it was time to do some more positive stuff :)
08/25/2012 3:22 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
Heloharth's Avatar
I like this blog, I think its very effective! But please don't say "Pardon my French!" I find it very offensive... Still, good blog!
08/25/2012 3:31 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
OliverFrenchie's Avatar
Thanks! I said that because I am in fact french and I've lived in france (why my name is OliverFrenchie)
