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The potential of Minecraft skinning.

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Allright, so today I decided to share my ideas on Minecraft and skinning with all of you, this is my first blog, ever, and I think it's gonna be a long one so please bear with me ;p.

I noticed that, a LOT of skins lately, are very very unoriginal, not creative, and are just really really getting old. Some of them even end up in the pop-reel. The amount of teen skins is insane, it feels like people are losing their creativity, because there should not be that many, especially since the game has SO much potential. But this is no angry teen skin rant, let me explain what I mean by potential.

Let's say that, Minecraft is a real world, another planet, another dimension it doesn't really matter. What do we know about that world? Little, we know very very little, especially about it's history. It's THAT, that has so much potential because if there is none, that means that we can create one. And I think that there should be a larger focus on this, rather than just skinning an animé character or super hero, those can actually fit in a story, but I'll get into that later. Let's take a look at what Minecraft survival is right now, that means no minigames or creative mode or pvp, just regular vanilla survival. There are zombies, walking skeletons, exploding green creatures and spooky scary endermen roaming about in this world, leaving the few amount of "humans" fighting for their survival. This is what we know, and now we can start speculating.

What if there was a crisis, and somehow, an interdimentional gate was created that sucked people out of their own worlds into the world of Minecraft, also stripping them of all the power they had in their own world. This would allow for characters like Spider-man or Mario to be walking around. But how is that gate created? Was it because some sort of supernatural being was bored and wanted to see humans fight for their lifes a a post apocalyptic world? I dunno. This is one of the lamer stories if you ask me, so let's move on to another.

What if, an apocalypse really did occur, during some sort of Minecraft-adaptation of the medieval age? How long or how many years ago did the apocalypse actually happen? Who are actually left, and why? What are their stories? How did the apocalypse start? Was it an angry god? Was it a failed experiment? Who leaded that experiment? Is there anything left of the civilization that once was, like, could there be cities left untouched, safe havens maybe? 
How did humanity even get to the medieval ages? What other ages were there? Were there giant civil wars?

What sort of creatures or animals lived on this planet, before humans ever got to that world? How DID the the humans come into existance?

I think that, putting a larger focus on the story behind a character, making the character/skin 10 times more interesting, is a lot of fun.

This is only a small part of what I have in mind, I'm having trouble putting it into words heheh. xD

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10/15/2016 7:33 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Geek
Well your right. I'm a fan of superheroes and comics and I love making superhero/supervillain skins. Maybe I need to be a bit more creative.
09/25/2015 7:01 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Zombie
Really, to be honest. A lot of the skins now a day are just Sweaters with the same designs with them. Never making it creative. I think people care more about the shading than the creativity.
09/25/2015 9:02 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Necromancer
It's true.

However, shading can be really really cool, y'know. It can really bring out someone's style, and styles are one of the most interesting things when talking about art in general, and I do think skins classify as art.
09/25/2015 3:44 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Zombie
But mainly. My comment focused about the clothing, a lot of long sleeves and sweaters. And tang tops too. Lots and lots of teen skins. But I have no problem with it. I will let people do there thing
10/19/2014 3:19 am
Level 35 : Artisan Skinner
lol nice work!
09/07/2014 5:14 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
I wish more people thought like this. I have a whole backstory behind my skin, and it frames the game of Minecraft in a unique way.
09/03/2014 2:52 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
Thank you for pointing this out. Here. Have a diamond from me.
08/17/2014 3:18 am
Level 42 : Master Taco
I totally get what you're saying, seeing original character skins that people make of things they came up with themselves are nice and creative, however, I like to use a skin of myself, or of my favorite movie/video games characters so I have no problem when people take time to make a good-looking skin of Spiderman even though it is unoriginal.

I get the thing you're saying is that you are sick of the skin section being so full of the generic skins because I totally get your frustration. At any given time there are at least 30 teen skins around the pop reel. Same with superheroes, famous people, etc. Those skins are the ones that are usually in demand though.

I mean, I love Spiderman so I would most likely use a skin of Spiderman rather than a skin someone created of their original Creeper Lord of the Abyss skin...or something like that. It's because I know Spiderman-he is a canon character that's been around for decades. There is a low chance that any skin someone makes on planet minecraft will become a canon character in minecraft and because people don't know a lot about original characters, they probably won't be looking for a skin of them.
08/15/2014 8:02 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Some people prefer realistic skins that reflect their own personal apperance, some prefer skins of characters from movies and shows, and some prefer original characters with a detailed backstory.

Whatever another person's preference happens to be, just let them continue preferring it. It's not harming you. Not everyone will like the same skins as you, and that's guranteed, so don't force them into doing so. Your ideas sound really interesting and unique, and I would actually look forward to seeing skins like this being made in the future, but I probably wouldn't use them. I've always felt comfortable using skins that resemble me, and that's just what I prefer.

To sum it all up, different people have different opinions, and you shouldn't force people into liking a certain style of skin simply because you do. Popular or not, it's what they like.
08/16/2014 4:36 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Allright, first, I am not forcing anyone to do anything. The point of this blog was to show people the potential, it's up to them to give a shit or not.

Second, I totally understand that you like to play as someone that looks like you. But I assume you are a woman, and the difference between male and female teen skins is HUGE. You probably know what I'm talking about.

All I was trying to do, or am trying to do, is to breathe a little more creativity into this community. :)
