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The Rant: Cracked Servers

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DoctorWoo's Avatar DoctorWoo
Level 54 : Grandmaster Nerd
I keep seeing people posting "Rant articles" on blogs all the time, and I figured since this thing has been bugging me every time I log onto PlanetMinecraft: cracked servers.

So, a few people may be asking, what is a cracked server? Simple: it's illegal. A cracked server allows for players who do not actually own the game to play the game. Not only is downloading the game without paying illegal in itself (thanks, piracy) hosting a cracked server is also illegal.

But why is it illegal to host such a server? Again, the answer is easy. Piracy is, as defined by thefreedictionary.com, "The unauthorized use or reproduction of copyrighted or patented material". And, as hosting a server that allows pirated players to join, the hosts of the server are aiding in the crime.

What does this even mean for Planet Minecraft? Hosts of servers that are listed on PMC are, as a member of PMC, bound legally to the Terms of Service. The very first point in the terms actually leads as such:

1: Upload, post or otherwise transmit through or to this website any content that:
- is unlawful, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, lewd, offensive, defamatory or otherwise objectionable;
- might infringe the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, rights of publicity, or other proprietary rights of others;
- contains any viruses, trojan horses, time bombs, or any other harmful programs or elements;

With that said, consider all hosts of cracked servers warned. And consider my rant done.

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12/21/2012 5:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GlaswegianGamer's Avatar
a little late, but how do you report a server that has been cracked and people using it are cracked users, i was on a server that was cracked and i said it is illegal and they argued with me and kicked me multiple times telling me to stop, il give the ip anyway (This isn't advertising, I want this server closed down immediately please). Ip= Queenscraft.no-ip.org:15565. They also have a website ( queenscraft.enjin.com/home ), please if you see this check them out and close this server and the users down. thanks :)
12/23/2012 10:31 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Nerd
DoctorWoo's Avatar
You can't really report a server, but you can report the server a on PMC.
01/29/2012 7:15 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Vampire
UnoWild's Avatar
I just wanted to state that the game is FREE. You dont have to actually pay for it at all BUT you cant log onto any server with it without buying it even if you register on the minecraft.net site. Also sometimes people actually PAY for the game only to find that it doesnt work for them and there is little help for them on the Forums.This happened to me and I couldnt play online for a long time until a friend made a server with no 'whitelist'. I now own the game and have fixed my issue so the launcher works for me.This may NOT be the case with everyone your talking about but I wanted to point this out. :-)
01/29/2012 10:50 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Nerd
DoctorWoo's Avatar
It all depends on what you call "the game". The original version of the game is free, and you can connect to a limited amount of server with that. Or, at least, you were able to at one point. I'm unsure if it's still the same way now. As for indirectly stating pirating the game, I'm actually ok with that. And I have no issue stating that, as Notch himself is fine with people pirating it. Where my issue comes in is with cracked servers. Notch (and I agree with this) has stated indirectly a few times that sure, go pirate his game. If you like it, buy it. If not, no harm done. And by no means am I trying to single people out, and I hope you and other understand that. I just hate seeing cracked servers, for the fact that it goes against the whole concept of having a server, along with the fact that you go against what notch himself wants.
01/29/2012 10:58 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Vampire
UnoWild's Avatar
Yeah I understand you. Were cool I just wanted to state a few things hoping people would understand the why people play without paying. "Try it before you buy" - But yeah, like you said, those server that brag or bloat that they are 'cracked' etc get to me too. An official Minecraft account costs less than a good mouse so why not buy it already. . .I say. Good post by the way. :-)
01/29/2012 11:08 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Nerd
DoctorWoo's Avatar
Gotta say I'm thankful for the no harm done between use, lol. It's always nice to not make enemies. And the try-before-you-buy thing is a fantastic point, and honestly, I think more company's either need to have the same views as Notch, or make demos for everything. And thank god someone else has that idea! I have seen people going on saying "Oh...I'm too broke to buy minecraft, thats why I still play cracked..". Yet they clearly own a computer. Not that I'm saying owning a computer makes you rich, but if your going to claim your are too poor to afford the $20 odd bucks for a game, while you have a computer...you clearly have some messed up priorities.
09/13/2012 8:01 pm
Level 40 : Master Modder
ninjaboy105's Avatar
I understand why you don't like people playing cracked minecraft, and I personally think that people should buy minecraft if they like it. However, payment issues can also be a problem. When I first tried getting minecraft, it wouldn't allow me to purchase the game because of some issue within the payment system. It wasn't until after several months that I could finally buy the game. This probably doesn't happen very often, but people can become very frustrated when this happens, and may look to cracked minecraft instead. I felt kind of left out during the first few months because I couldn't play with my friends on a server. This is also another reason people crack their servers. Many of their friends might not be allowed to purchase minecraft. Security issues might a problem to many people as well, because they think that they may lose important info such as credit cards over the internet. Minecraft does not have gift cards or anything like that, so you cannot buy it from a store, unlike other games. I understand why you dislike piracy, i also do not like it, but there are people out there who have experienced these problems, leaving them no choice but to play cracked.
09/14/2012 1:03 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Nerd
DoctorWoo's Avatar
First and foremost, I have nothing against piracy. To be frank, the maker of this game stand for it, and there for, it's not really an issue. But pirating games should be viewed as a demo of sorts. I know, weird way to look at it, but that's just the way I think of it a a whole. My issue with it stems from online games. Pirate it for a demo one single player: if you like it, buy it.
And although yes, you have some valid point concerning he actually purchase of the game...there are still ways around it. WalMart, for one, has prepaid cards (GreenDot is on such example) where it is a nameless debit card. You go to a support retail store, pay money (either with cash or a debit/credit card) and load money onto the card. You can use it just once, if your concern about privacy, or use it unlimited times.
01/13/2012 10:00 am
Level 24 : Expert Dragonborn
TheFUUU's Avatar
01/13/2012 3:12 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Nerd
DoctorWoo's Avatar
I have no idea where your going with that...Are you saying SOPA is coming around because of this? Or that SOPA will handle this?
