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The Storyline of Minecraft: Part 2

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zackwebs's Avatar zackwebs
Level 29 : Expert Modder
Well, after the 2 races had drifted apart, both of them made their own culture, unexpectedly the undamaged humans being more complex and the others well...
Well, the humans had a system of prison and they also liked to test things as the Pigmen did, but there was one evil, wicked man who was horrible, he was named... Mike he tested his experiments on humans, who nobody else ever did his experiments created zombies, from when he used horrible drugs on them and skeletons, from when he tested acid on humans and he thought he could contain them, but eventually he couldn't they killed Mike and got loose but they thought every human was their target, they made the humans spread and they were not together any more and the monsters made them give up everything, and when they died, they become another being, an enderman, they were controlled by the evil soul of Mike, who when died became, the Enderdragon, everybody was after the complex humans the creepers, zombies, skeletons, spiders, and all of the other monsters created by the experiments of Mike and eventually the Enderdragon became exetremely strong and was able to destroy everything the humans had ever owned and made and Notch was very mad about this but he couldn't control the things that the humans got themselves into because he didn't think that it was fair so he gave the humans more things, like sheep, cows, chickens, and fish, he also gave them a substance that would forever help them make amazing contraptions, named redstone, but to counter this the enderdragon made the monsers spawn wherever there was darkness, he decided to watch the humans die in pain and every time you log in you make him happier, but there has been a few, amazing people who have killed the Enderdragon and have helped their world forever, will you be the person that serves justice to the Enderdragon, get into the game and find out....

By: Zackwebs

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04/20/2012 8:13 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
DeliciousFreshWaffle's Avatar
I always knew that the Endermen were slaves to the Enderdragon, you can see it in their eyes. They're very nervous, which explains the sudden shaking when you look directly at them, and then they decide to attack you because they were scared at what would happen if you have noticed the Endermen (I don't think they notice you actually notice them until you looked directly at them.
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