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How Diamond_Shadow_ came to be...

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Razz_2002's Avatar Razz_2002
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage

My name is Diamond_Shadow_,
I was born into the Serephim Empire, a empire of Paladins. The village I was born in was the most honorable village in the entire Empire, Edgeville. The Serephim Empire is famous for its Paladin Order, so let me tell you about Paladins. A Paladin is a warrior of Light who has sworn to slay the undead freeing their imprisoned souls, and to do that they must be very brave. The reason why EdgeVille is the most honorable village is because it is on the border of The Forest of Darkness--a forest cursed with eternal darkness so undead roam freely through there
--, and being there it is attacked many
Times by the undead, so everyone has to brave.
This is where I come in.

Chapter I,

As a young boy my name was Blockhand2512 and I trained as a Smith's apprentice, I made stone, iron, and gold swords for the Paladins. Eventually I decided that I didn't want to be a smith, but I didn't know what I did want to be. One day, when I was out in the fields with my friend, out of nowhere a Necromancer-- The sworn enemys of Paladins, as they enslave souls for their biding-- Attacked our Village, since my friends where not in the Village we where safe, but I didn't want to be safe, I wanted the Village to be safe. Me and my friend Reaper, ran into the village sneaking inbetween the houses until we got to the Black smiths shop. I put on and Iron chestplate and Leather boots, then grabbed a stone sword. So we made a plan, Reaper quickly devised a firework and we ran outside to a place where there where not as many undead. Once I slayed a few undead Reaper set down the firework and set it off, it flew into the sky, making a yellow star shape that looked like the sun. The undead warriors all ran towards the star, but when they came they where in for a suprise.
one of the undead stepped on our landmine we had gotten from the redstone lab, and BOOM! As we had planned it made a deep hole. We jumped out of the shadows and poured water buckets that we got from the well on the ground, they created a stream pushing all the remaining undead into the hole, trapping them. Once we did that the village was not so overwealmed with undead and the Paladins could do their job. As the last of the undead were killed (Again) I heard a bone chilling howl, I looked to the forest and saw the Necromancer that attacked,
And I knew on that day that I would slay him at any cost.
But the cost was high.

Chapter II

After the battle Reaper and I where reconized as Heroes of the Village, they asked whos plan it was that saved us and I said it was mine, though I regret it now becasue I was treated as the Hero and Reaper was treated as my sidekick. I saw that this
Blockhand2512's heart. After that I became a paladin, reaching to the second in command, and Reaper was cast aside by all the villagers.
The following is the account off Reaper after the battle.
After the battle things were going well for Blockhand2512 and I, we were Heroes. But then Someone had to ask 'Whos plan was it to trap the undead?' And of course Blockhand2512 said himself, and while that is true it was I who made the firework and I who set the trap!!! But no one reconized me, and they praised Blockhand2512, and I was cast into his shadow, forgotten and left alone. Once he joined the Paladin Order I was truely forgotten. I hated Blockhand2512 so much, so I went seeking revenge with his enemy. GreaySkull. I was afraid of him first, his grey skeleton and his glowing red eyes with his black cloak can put anyone off, but no the less, I became his apprentice. He tought me the art of Necromancy, and I was never cast aside by him or any of his undead slaves, he SAW me talent that no one else did. And then we prepared Blockhand2512's bane.

On one of my visits to my village when I was second in command of the Paladin Order I was welcomed like a Hero, and when I asked about Reaper everone said he had run away. While we were having a feast in my honor and villager ran into the room, yelling
"DEATH! DEATH IS UPON US ALL!" Then he saw me and yelled "PLEASE, SAVE US!" then he fainted.
I went outside and put on my diamond armor, and then put Diamond armor on my horse, I pulled out my enchanted Diamond sword, DawnBringer. Then Riding my horse to the edge of the forest, then I heard it. Its shallow breathing. Then I smelled it, the foul stench of death. Then, I saw it.
It was The Whither Boss.

Chapter III,

I felt a deep sense of dread come upon me, I had heard stories of the whither as a child, It was the lord of all undead created by only the most darkest and powerful Necromancers. It was made to kill anything living, creepers, cows, villagers, spiders you name it, as long as its living the Whiter will kill it.
"AHHAHA! I SEE YOU HAVE MET OUR CREATION, OLD FRIEND!" I heard someone shout, I looked up and saw Reaper with Greyskull, hovering with the power of magic. Reaper had changed, His hair has become the darkest black and his skin was so pale, he was wearing black necromancer robes, but his eyes, The iris had changed to Bloodred.
"Oh my, Ronnoc' what have you done?" I
"My name is no longer Reaper! It is DarkBlood!"
The Whither advancted on me, and I charged, I was carrieing four potions of regenoration and one golden apple, I hoped I could get through this. My sword met the whiters bones, cutting it, then it shot one of its skulls at me, I doged it just in time, it exploded behind me. After countless hourers of battleing I used my last potion, fighting untill It wore off.
Finally, I Stabbed the WhiterBoss slaying it. But not before it tagged me with a skull, I felt the poision pulsing through me.
"NOOOO! You will pay for that! Now I will make you my SLAVE! Now you will be MY Shadow! You will be nothing but a SHAODW!" I saw Darkblood casting a dark spell on me, trying to enslave me as undead.
But something unexpected happened. I felt myself slipping away, I felt like I was submerged underwater, it was quite peacful. Then I saw a light hovering above me, I reached out to touch it...

The last note,

What happened to me? Darkbloods spell worked, I became an undead, not a zombie or a skeleton, More like I had a working body, but no soul. I didn't become his slave, I had to much Light magic in me, which caused my eyes to glow the color of diamonds. So now I roam the world of Minecraft, always with my sword DawnBringer, Saving people from the undead.
After a while, the villagers wrote this song about me

He comes in the night,
Bringing the light,
He wraps himself in his shadow,
His Diamond eyes shining out,
The Whither's bane, The Diamond

                                    THE END
                                                               But what happens
                                                             next, is another story.


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06/28/2014 11:53 pm
Level 1 : New Demolitionist
AnarchyStarfish's Avatar
Modern writing, to be sure. Do you have spellcheck? Just wondering...
06/29/2014 1:27 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
Razz_2002's Avatar
Sadly, I dont. Sorry if you didn't like the story because of that.
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