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The Vault Mine - Fixing the seed and saplings issue with McMeddons maps

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McMeddon's Avatar McMeddon
Level 85 : Elite Wizard Unicorn
Hi there o/

A common issue with the worlds I have made is the missing some saplings and seed types. Most of them are typically included, but sometimes I leave them out by excluding a whole biome from the map. Even that my maps seem to be pretty simple, they have grown to incredible complexities over time, which you often can see during the map-making timelapses.
Bedrock players are getting hit the hardest with this problem since they are limited to the world itself. To have for you a save fallback and enable you the full Minecraft experience, I introduce to you:

The Vault Mines.
They will be placed (multiple times) on every new map and will feature:
  • An indicative surface building,
  • a seed vault,
  • a few custom mobs,
  • and a few other little secrets.

The Vault Mine - Fixing the seed and saplings issue with McMeddons maps

The Vault will have:
  • Saplings: Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak
  • Seeds: Wheat, Carrots, Potatoes, Beetroot, and sweet berry bushes
  • Plants: Bamboo, Cactus, Brown Mushroom, Red Mushroom, Pumpkin, Melon, and Vines

The Vault Mine - Fixing the seed and saplings issue with McMeddons maps

Ofc i want to stay true to Minecraft Vanilla as much as possible, but I also wish to enhance it and here I found points that I like to update.
  • 1. Made it more "findable"
    Finding a mine is often pretty much just luck, and with this update, I gave the Mine an essential purpose because you will find essential blocks and seeds in there for your Survival World, and therefore you should have the chance to get it within a play session. The building in the thumbnail will indicate where the mine entrance will be, but from there on you have to explore for yourself.
  • 2. Raised the ceiling of the shafts
    because: F*** those low hanging beams
  • 3. Modified floors
    Mines are should be dirty... and full of gravel... so i added plenty of it.
  • 4. Added Tuuhh UN teeeh (TNT)
    A mine should have: TNT - They will be found across the mineshafts, mostly at the end , which i hope is a welcomed addition.

The Vault Mine - Fixing the seed and saplings issue with McMeddons maps

Got any more wishes or ideas what should be added? Down into the comments

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12/09/2022 9:34 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
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04/04/2021 6:07 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Bunny
Yuki's Avatar
Spalings. :D

This is a good idea though.
