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Minecraft 1.7 Biome Changes

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Mythra13's Avatar Mythra13
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
I'm one of those Minecraft players who tries to stay informed as to upcoming changes for the game. I often check out the upcoming features page on the Minecraft Wiki.

Just the other day I also saw this page which goes into detail regarding the changes to world generation for the 1.7 update:


Biomes are one of my favorite parts of playing Minecraft. I really enjoy the variety of scenery and options that having different biomes opens up. With that in mind, I decided to see what other information I could glean from the 1.7 Biome Map preview image. I looked into the 1.6 Map first and figured out which colors represented which biomes, I used the program Amidst in order to get a general idea of what they should look like on that map. Next, I used the information that has been released thus far on the changes to the world generation. The map key that I came up with and attached to the 1.7 Biome Map preview is my best interpretation for the map.

It was written that they're not done yet, as of the time the preview map was made. However, I felt there are some things that can be understood or guessed at based on the information already released.

A few notes regarding my map key:

1. The top color next to each biome name is the color for that particular biome type.

2. The second color down is likely the sub-type, such as; Desert Hills, Forest Hills, etc.

3. I left out the mushroom island biome, it's fairly obvious that it is represented by the pink color in both maps.


I've just come across this information that I didn't have the first time that I tried to make sense of the map.


Using that information, I've reformed my analysis of the biome map, as well as I could. Also, I've added names for the biomes that I was only able to guess at before.

4. As before, the first color represents the named biome, the second color is most often a subtype, such as 'Hills'.

5. In the case of Plains, Swamp and Black Forest, the second color is likely to have been the 'rare "special" version', that is supposed to be different than the usual version of that biome. In the case of Extreme Hills, Ice Plains, Desert, Savannah and Jungle, the third color is representative of a rare 'special' version.

6. I believe the second color for the Extreme Hills biome, which takes on a subtle green hue, is indicative of the fact that it is a part of that biome which has spruce trees, as shown in the image from Jeb's twitter.

7. The Mesa biome is made up of 5 different colors in the map. I believe this shows a Mesa Edge in orange, a dark orange which could be the more rare version of a Mesa, and three other colors which may represent a different color of hardened clay which is prevalent in each.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, please leave a DIAMOND if you did.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Mythra13 09/01/2013 9:21:13 pmSep 1st, 2013

Updated blog with new information from the reddit article in the link.

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10/29/2013 7:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
crankus's Avatar
How did you manage to use AMIDST with 1.7.2?Tried to launch it with the new biomes,crashed every time.
10/29/2013 6:07 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Mythra13's Avatar
The picture is something that Mojang released to give an idea of what changes they were making to world gen. I didn't make it, just used it as a means to figure out what biomes were coming to the game before they could be found in a snapshot.
09/02/2013 5:34 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Big_Dish's Avatar
I knew this info already but its good to post stuff since not everyone is up to date. I am personally very excited for this update. :)
09/02/2013 7:50 am
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Mythra13's Avatar
Good, I guess we're in the same boat on that one. Thanks for checking out my blog.
09/01/2013 9:26 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Hunter
izzy555489's Avatar
they're also adding tulips and sunflowers, right?
09/01/2013 9:31 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Mythra13's Avatar
Yeah, my wife and I are really excited about the new plants.

Thanks for the comment.
08/31/2013 6:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TGiQtpie's Avatar
Nice job explaining the biomes. I'm still trying to figure them all out, but I love all the new ones they have & are adding. I threw a diamond your way too =)
08/31/2013 2:54 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Mythra13's Avatar
I am more excited for this next update than I am for most of them, because of all the biome changes. Thanks for the great comment, Qtpie!
08/30/2013 10:24 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
poltercreeper's Avatar
nice, and on the last one, i think it is a savanna
08/30/2013 11:43 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Mythra13's Avatar
Yeah, I play using the Extra Biomes mod and in that mod the Savanna has a Hot temp. and Arid humidity just like a desert. It makes a lot of sense that it would be one.

Thanks for the comment.
