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Hacked By xm20Zx

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Hacked By xm20Zx
Level 32 : Artisan Unicorn
Hypixel- Mc.hypixel.net
In Hypixel, there is a gamemode called MEGA Walls, now mega walls is a ramped up version of the normal walls where you have 10 minutes to prepare yourselves and make defences for your Wither, for me i find either the skeleton or enderman kit best because they both supply weapons or ways to escape when in danger.In this game i usually go mineing not in the mine, but in a random area so i can get more ores and more chests because you are mining up more area. and before you go down to mine, it is always a good idea to go punch some wood so you can craft underground. ALWAYS i mean it, always get more than 27 or double so you can have a sword armour and a pickaxe and of course some extra for it you die, you can have some armour to get a kill and take there armour to get back up. If you have going for the offencive, you can just mine for 5 chestplates and 5 swords so you can take ones wither, and when pvping remember to jump, it will help to get better game hits. When your wither is lowest, try and protect it from having any more damage done so you wont be able to respawn anymore, or go and bring other withers health down then protect yours, in the event where your wither is the only one dead, try and make it to middle and be a noob and shift f6 in a hole and wait for the other withers to die and the others health to be penetrated so you can finish them off. and remember to be close to the ground so you wont starve from the mid starve of the hight+mid starve to force everyone to mid

I hope that this Tips And Tricks Helped you and if they did, please leave a diamond :P

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