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Top 10 most useful bukkit plugins

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Crazykool11's Avatar Crazykool11
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
The top 10 most useful bukkit plugins

Essentials: It is well, essential to have it. There are many core commands and is hard to have a server without.

Logblock: It is an essential anti griefing tool if you have a MySQL database, it help you catch griefers and roll back their grief.
PermissionsEx: It is the best permission plugin in my opinion. It is very easy to use once you have set up the structure of the permissions.yml file.
Worldedit: If you need a wall built quickly worldedit is the way to go, providing a solution to doing mindless repetitive block placing.
Votifier: If your server is public, you need to get votes. The best way to get votes is to offer rewards, hence the plugin votifier. Votifier notifies the server when a player has voted.
Worldguard: A protection plugin that allows you to limit the spawning of mobs, enabled pvp in certain areas and protect certain areas very quickly.
Vualt: An essential API that works with many plugins to make things so much better. It is a requirement for votifier and for towny and many many more.

Anticheat: While it may be buggy, anticheat is one of the best anti-cheat plugins (lol). It offers reports on what players are doing and automatically takes action when a player reaches a certain hack alert level.
Modreq: It is essential if you don't want to manage a roster of 10 admins that have to be on the server every hour of the day. It allows players to do /modreq (their problem) that will notify admins that there is a problem when they log on. The admins can then do /tp-id (the id) and teleport to where the modreq was filed and fix the problem.
Iconomy: MONEY MONEY MONEY! I know everyone likes money!

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01/23/2014 2:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tool-amon's Avatar
That was horrible to read. Bold the plugin names at spell them right, I dont know what vualt is?
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