Minecraft Blogs / Other

Top 100 mod!! And Adding to minecraft ideas.

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ryguy0808's Avatar ryguy0808
Level 45 : Master Lava Rider
Omg! i just saw in my ranks that im in the top 100 for the mod i made! WOOT! :) im so happy right now! im gonan try make more mods. Plz check the mod i made it's called TinyTools :)

Okay Now this is also about minecraft.. now i wanna know what u guys would put into minecraft if you were creating. ANY idea will do. As minecraft says itself ' The Sky Is The Limit! '. So just post any thing you think would be good if added to minecraft.

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11/06/2011 7:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
natedog080's Avatar
hey for some rson i can not download any mods. Every time i try it just brings up a window and exixet right out help ME!!!!!!!!!!!
08/27/2011 5:59 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
nrl8910's Avatar
Hi! Would you be able to write a basic tutorial on modding easily? Just to add a new block or something simple like that.
