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Trolling =/= Advice

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TwiDragon's Avatar TwiDragon
Level 44 : Master Nether Knight
Before I go into this rant, I will say that I'm not the best builder/skin maker in the world.

With that being said, I have a little rant to go on about.

When giving a critique or advice to another builder or skin maker, doesn't mean your trolling. I've gotten labeled as a troll for saying what I didn't like on someones post. I'm pretty blunt when I say something about another persons skin. I will say what I need to say, and then go back to doing what I need to do.

I see people sugarcoat there advice with so much love that the critisisum gets ignored. If your uploading something to a public forum, your going to get critisiszed. Doesn't matter how old you are, how new you are to doing this. You will get feedback. Positive or Negative!

Take no offense when I say your skin sucks. I'm not calling you out, I'm just saying that I don't like what you've made. When someone gives me advice on my skins to say "Hey, you should try this out" or "Your kind of slipping up, why not go back to *insert skin here* and did what you did there for a bit".

Getting advice or help, even if its blunt and at sometimes emotionless does not indicate trolling. If I help you, or say what I think; it doesn't mean I'm some elitist god troll who hates everything that isn't mine. Its just that I think skinartists who are starting out would rather have advice than go on looking like a n00b for a while.

I had help from Studnicky and various other skin-artists. If I view other peoples skins, I want to give them the same help, because I love seeing creative new ideas brought to the table.

Hell, during the contest, I saw a lot of Awesome ideas being brought here!

And that is my rant.

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11/09/2011 10:47 pm
Level 42 : Master Caveman
Seileach's Avatar
Although it's not for me to say, you're not exactly great with grammars.
11/05/2011 9:21 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
Jtheomnipotent's Avatar
I agree. It is a lot more helpful in my opinion when people are negative than it is when they are positive. I like your advice on my skinning, it helps me, and sometimes it's really helpful to have someone else tell you what is plain ugly about your work.
11/05/2011 9:34 pm
Level 44 : Master Nether Knight
TwiDragon's Avatar
Exactly, most of the people acusing me and my friends of trolling are under the age of 12 and probley don't even know what a troll is.
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