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[Tutorial] How to make colored names and prefixes using Group Manager!

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Rice's Avatar Rice
Level 36 : Artisan Taco
In this blog, I will teach you how to use Group Manager to make colored names and prefixes! This is a rather simple task, but if you need extra help you can PM me and I will respond ASAP! Here you go!

1. You need to install Group Manager on your server. This is no longer on the bukkit website, so google "Essentials wiki". You should end up somewhere like this:


Click "Download Group Manager"

2. Install this to your server. I cant really put a screenshot of this because a lot of people use different control panels and it would just be confusing. You need to go to FTP and then to the "Plugins" folder. Then drag/upload the .jar to there.

3. Restart your server.


4. Group Manager should be installed now. Now to create a group. To create a group use this command:

/mangadd (groupname)

Do not use the parentisis.

5. Now that you have created your group, you can add the prefix and colors! Do so with this command:

/mangaddv (groupname) prefix (what you want before the name)

Still, no parentesis. This should make it where anyone in that group will have that before their name. But wait, there is more! You still need to add color right! You add color by using the Minecraft color codes. Here they are:

Color Codes

Just put the color code before what you want to be that color!

I hope this helped.. If you are having problems with it message me and I will help you! If it did help you, make sure to hit the diamond and subscribe! Thanks..

-Rice, A new blogger to PMC

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01/20/2019 1:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Duke_Of_Verron2's Avatar
ur grammer is wrong it says "color codes" but there is only one color code
04/23/2017 8:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EmkoCZ's Avatar
When I add prefix to some group, it will show only in chat. But what if I want to add it into nick (name) or into TAB???
07/25/2015 12:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
YouCantControlMe's Avatar
wtf was the head looking thing in the main photo? #mspaintftw
07/25/2015 4:57 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Taco
Rice's Avatar
my epic art skills from a year and a half ago.
Mob Madness
05/10/2015 6:51 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Toast
Mob Madness's Avatar
Hey from my experience you need essentialschat for it to actually show the prefix (regardless of if it has color or not)
01/10/2015 3:56 am
Level 32 : Artisan Procrastinator
VortexTG's Avatar
It works now
06/19/2014 7:37 am
Level 32 : Artisan Procrastinator
VortexTG's Avatar
it doesn't work T_T
06/19/2014 9:25 am
Level 36 : Artisan Taco
Rice's Avatar

No colors at all?
06/20/2014 1:26 am
Level 32 : Artisan Procrastinator
VortexTG's Avatar
No nothing shows up in the chat i have colors on and when i typed something the prefix doesn't show up T_T
the prefix i wanted was &bOwner&c
06/20/2014 2:00 am
Level 36 : Artisan Taco
Rice's Avatar
You typed /mangaddv (rank) prefix &bOwner&c right?
