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!ULTRABLOG! - 7/17/13

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SquishyZaUltra's Avatar SquishyZaUltra
Level 49 : Master Pirate
Yup, it's that time again. Squishy here with YET another blog. :3 Thought I was gone, eh? Well, necessarily I WAS gone but what matters is that I am BACK. IN. ACTION!!!! >:D Well, hope you read through this well.

Advertising on Someone's Submission? ...JUST. NO!

I've seen it, you've probably seen it, a lot of us has seen it. And in CASE you haven't seen it, or you don't even know what I'm talking about, I'll give a few examples and tell you a short story as well. (Don't worry, it won't be a page long. xD) This advertising crap has GOT to stop! Not ONLY is it COMPLETELY un-related to a Disney Skin, but it's also annoying as heck. Now then, here's a short story for you to read:

Sandy was so excited to put her first submission out in the happy/notsohappy world of PMC. She couldn't decide what she would be known for though. Would it be skins? Would it be for blogs? Texture packs? Mods? Just what should she be known for!? She couldn't decide what she should do, but she knew that she REALLY had to come up with something soon otherwise she's burst with extreme excitement. Eventually, after a LOT of thinking, she decided to make a skin. So Sandy worked hard to make a skin completely original, with her own style, and with her own taste to it. After LOTS of effort, she posted her Butterfly skin for the world to see. She refreshed the page, over and over, hoping to at LEAST get 1 diamond, a download, even just a view! After the constant refreshing of the page, she saw the little comment box go yellow instead of white! She had a comment!!! Oh how excited Sandy was! She clicked the comment with a sigh to come to mind. Her first ever comment was:

"Hi plz joyn mai srvr its gr8 ud lik it im shur :)"

What was wrong with this? I'll tell you.

1) There was no link in that comment
2) The person didn't have a server in his submissions
3) The person didn't have even an IP in the comment
4) They didn't even have good spelling and part of it was text language, which actually looks really bad and immature. (No offense to text languagers.)

The worst part of this was that it wasn't at all related to her skin. There was no feedback, no compliment, just a stupid advertisement. You could imagine how Sandy would feel about this, I'm sure.

I know, it seems so little and it seems I'm WAY too touchy, but... SERIOUSLY!!! Doing something like that... what are you going to get out of it!? MOST people won't join EVEN if you put it on their submission! They'll probably just delete the comment or ignore the comment or BLOCK the commenter. So what's the point of putting some stupid advertisement on someone's submission? HECK there's ABSOLUTELY no point to it! Some stupid people out there are blind, too, because they advertise on someone's submission and they don't even BOTHER to look at the person's About Me, where sometimes it says, "I DON'T PLAY ON PUBLIC SERVERS, SORRY"!!!

"Ugh, that's annoying! Is there a way around this!?"

Well, not really, unless someone has almighty super-natural powers that can communicate to peoples' minds and tell them "NO." What we can do is encourage others to not do this though. To those who actually do this stuff, you could advertise in the Chat Room in the SERVERS AREA. And PLEASE, do NOT make a blog saying, "Join my server plz oefgnmfomndovmnfojnfovfdmkivsdovndmfnmfovkmfdvofdmvdobndfoidfnbdmfokvmf"!!! That's JUST as bad! If you want people to even SEE your server, make it a server submission! That way people don't have to get annoyed with the whole "join my server" crap. Also, doing the "join my server" crap makes people not wanna join it, in case you didn't know. (MAYBE some will get interested, but for people like me, it's like:

Idunnowhojustsomeone: Hey join my server plz!
Me: Umm..... nope, I'm even less interested now, nope.

If you know what I mean...)


Not really any...



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07/21/2013 6:11 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
KnobleKnives's Avatar
You're back! YEEEEEEY

Nice blog, by the way :)
07/21/2013 6:19 pm
Level 49 : Master Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Mhm, that's right =3 Good to see you again!

Thankies~ :3
07/19/2013 8:47 am
Level 21 : Expert Artist
Daisy Rose
Daisy Rose's Avatar
I once had a server, some guy kept posting his server over mine on the comments, even 'bumping' the comment. All my subs got really mad, and about five of the kept criticizing him until I finally blocked him. All the subs were like "if your server is so great then why do you have advertise it on a more popular server?" XD
07/19/2013 2:41 pm
Level 49 : Master Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Lol xD Man, that's rough(ish). Never had a server, so I wouldn't know how that is. >< Good that you had a bunch of subs, eh? X3
07/18/2013 9:38 pm
Level 21 : Expert Caveman
matti2000rocks's Avatar
07/18/2013 9:41 pm
Level 49 : Master Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Thank you :3
07/18/2013 2:12 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
_Minestar_'s Avatar
Great blog.
07/18/2013 7:52 pm
Level 49 : Master Pirate
SquishyZaUltra's Avatar
Thank you :3
07/19/2013 4:59 am
Level 21 : Expert Caveman
matti2000rocks's Avatar
07/17/2013 11:52 pm
Level 24 : Expert Toast
100koolaids's Avatar
ai lurv it iz vry gud <3
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