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Unrecognized Skinners 2 (Yup! :D)

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TinyKender's Avatar TinyKender
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Hello again!
I... i just.. needed to do another blog, there are a lot of unrecognized skinner here in PMC, and i just want to help them, so here... 3 more awesome skinners.
I will put a link to their profile and a picture to show their skins!




Go give them some support! Diamond their skins if you like them, and subscribe to them if you like their content!

-TinyKender :D
CreditKarizma_ & Apple_Sauce & jstorm33

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01/25/2013 9:13 pm
Level 40 : Master Pyro
inthesoupbowl's Avatar
I like this blog idea. It's nice to know someone is out there trying to support unrecognized skinners, and I hope to see more of these blogs in the future :3
10/14/2012 1:13 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Spleefer
NinjahCookeh's Avatar
I would be honored to be on here, not many people know who I am, and I would like your help to make me more noticed
^My best skin, I think.
09/19/2012 5:20 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
peytonisgreat's Avatar
Well, I agree with Deonyi (to an extent)

These skins are not the highest level of quality. Sure, they are not bad, but they definitely have a lot of room to improve. Als, there are some people out there who are as good as Leo and Hal, but get nearly no attention at all, maybe find them :p
09/19/2012 10:12 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
TinyKender's Avatar
Yeah, again im just trying to help them, and if i find people that shade like Leo or Hal well... i will make another one of this blogs :3
09/17/2012 7:34 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
Deonyi's Avatar
Well these skins aren't exactly top-notch quality. There is no shading under clothes, hair etc,

The concepts are also very simple. Hair and clothes. The faces are so unoriginal. Do we really need 100 bubble eye skins?
09/24/2012 4:56 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokémon
Karizma_'s Avatar
I'd like to see YOU do better. Considering that the ONLY program I can use the SkinEdit.
09/17/2012 8:04 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
TinyKender's Avatar
Well i wasn't expecting them to make skins like leostereo or Halucid... they are just beggining to make skins and all i wanted is to support them. Besides do we really need 100.000 crappy skins?. This skins get "Buried" in other crappy skins, they are just starting and they have a lot to improve... At least they try to shade and you can see that they put a lot of effort in making skins.
09/19/2012 9:04 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
Deonyi's Avatar
Ok, I retract some of what I say but the idea still stands. I see many skins that are better than these yet they get little to no recognition.

Look at the apple_sauce skin: The clothes are really just a gradient with no texture or variance in the gradient. Clothes aren't shimmery things that are perfectly smooth or gradiented.

I understand that they are putting effort in it but I still can find better skins.
09/19/2012 10:10 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
TinyKender's Avatar
I can find better skins too... but the idea of this blog is to help, not to find the best skin ever, besides i'm looking for good unrecognized skinners. Usually they all are begginers and they have a lot to improve, but i still love their skins, they actually shade and they have really good ideas.
09/17/2012 9:53 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Taco
jstorm33's Avatar
Thanks ^^
